Blues for Sister Someone

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Season 2, Episode 23: Blues for Sister Someone
Overall Episode Number: 32
Created by: Shonda Rhimes

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The key to being a successful intern is what we give up. Sleep, friends, a normal life. We sacrifice it all for that one amazing moment. That moment when you can legally call yourself a surgeon. There are days that make the sacrifices seem worthwhile. And then there are the days where everything feels like a sacrifice. And then there are the sacrifices that you can't even figure out why you're making.

- Meredith Grey

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"So, Dr. Dandridge said that it might be a virus? And that Doc just has to take it easy until he recovers?" Mackenzie asked Meredith as they walked together down one of the hospital corridors.

Meredith nodded, gently patting the girl on the back. "Yes, that's what he said. Now, Mack, you let me know if he gets better or worse, okay? Keep track of his vitals, and make sure you give him plenty of love and affection."

"Isn't this something you should be telling Mom or Addie?" Mackenzie asked. "I don't see why you're telling me."

Meredith chuckled at her ex-boyfriend's daughter. "Sweetheart, I'm telling you because you are also one of Doc's owners. Therefore, you have a right to know what's going on with him, and what you can do to help him recover. Make sense?"

"That makes perfect sense," Mackenzie replied. "Oh, and Mer?" She called out to the blonde intern who had started walking down another corridor.

"Yeah?" Meredith answered.

"Don't call me sweetheart; we both know you were cringing the entire time you said it."

The girl's words made Meredith let out an airy laugh as she continued walking down the corridor.

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Mackenzie was sitting with Denny in his room when Meredith and Bailey walked inside. The girl gave both women a wave, and they both responded with small smiles before going back into 'doctor mode.'

"EKG, ECHO, and nuclear all within normal limits," Meredith informed.

Bailey looked at Denny. "Denny, in that case, I see no reason why you can't be up walking."

"Music to my ears, Dr. Bailey," Denny said with a smile.

"Good," Bailey replied. "So, you have any questions?"

"No. It's..." Denny trailed off.

Mackenzie grabbed Denny's hand, offering the man a bit of comfort. "They can always put it off, Denny."

"No harm in waiting a few weeks if you have questions. If you're worried." Bailey added on.

"I've got 20 tubes coming out of my body, one of which goes directly into my you-know-what. At some point I'd like to use that you-know-what for something besides peeing into a bag," Denny commented. "Like, for instance, peeing into a toilet. It's just... Izzie gave me medical advice. You're giving me different advice. It just so happens that yours is the advice I want to hear."

"Well, Dr. Bailey outranks Dr. Stevens. So, it's safe to say Dr. Bailey's advice is the one to follow," Meredith said. She gave Denny a silent 'shut up' look.

"That's not what he's worried about, Dr. Grey. He's worried that Dr. Stevens might get her ego bruised and her feelings hurt, am I right?" Bailey asked Denny.

Denny glanced at Meredith before answering Bailey, "No, no. Definitely no."

"Because, it would concern me if you were making medical decisions based on how our Dr. Stevens might feel about it," Bailey continued.

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