Winning a Battle, Losing the War

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Season 1, Episode 3: Winning a Battle, Losing the War
Overall Episode Number: 3
Created by: Shonda Rhimes

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"We live out our lives on the surgical unit. Seven days a week, fourteen hours a day. We're together more than we're apart - After a while - the ways of residency - become the ways of life. Number one: always keep score. Number two: do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy. Number three? Don't make friends with the enemy. And number four: everything, everything is a competition. Whoever said that winning wasn't everything...never held a scalpel."

- Meredith Grey

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Derek and Mackenzie stand on the sidewalk next to Bailey.

"Morning Dr. Bailey." The two chorused.

Bailey held up a hand. "Shut up."

Derek smirked. "You realize that I'm an attending and you're only a resident? So you work for me, right?"

Bailey ignored Derek. "I know I've forgotten something, something is happening today, I know I should know what it is, but I just can't..."

Derek nodded. "All right, nice talking to you Dr. Bailey."

"Something...right in front of my face..." Bailey mumbled.

Derek walks forward to cross the road, Bailey gasps and grabs him.


Mackenzie was filled with anxiety and fear. "Papa!"

Mackenzie watched several bike riders race past and two crash.

Bailey sighed. "Now I remember! Dr Shepherd, watch out."

Mackenzie glared at Derek. "Don't give me a heart attack. I'm 11!"

Derek kissed her head. "I'm okay, sweet girl. Papa's okay."

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Mackenzie watched as everyone piled in the E.R.

"Papa? What's going on?" She asked when Derek walked past her.

Derek walked over to his daughter and pulled her to the side. "The E.R. is going to be chock full of idiotic racers from the Dead Baby bike race today. Mackenzie... do not walk to the E.R. unless you desperately need me, Dr. Bailey, or one of her interns. Promise me that, because I'm going to be extremely busy today and I may not be able to check in with you. Can you do that?"

Mackenzie nodded. "I can do that, Papa. Be safe... and save some lives."

Derek kissed her head. "I plan on it, sweetheart. I love you so much."

"I love you too Papa." Mackenzie said and watched him run out of the exam room she was sitting in.

Today was going to be very long.

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Mackenzie ended up wandering the corridors until she found George.


George whipped around and his eyes lit up. "Ellie!"

Mackenzie looked at him. "Ellie?"

"Well, yeah. Your middle name is Eloise. Besides... best friends give each other nicknames. Do you not like it?" George wondered.

Mackenzie smiled. "I don't care. Just as long as you are the only one who calls me Ellie."

George smiled. "Deal. Now... why are you walking around aimlessly?"

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