Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole

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Season 2, Episode 20:  Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole
Overall Episode Number:  29
Created by:  Shonda Rhimes

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As doctors, patients are always telling us how they would do our jobs. Just stitch me up, slap a band-aid on it and send me home. It's easy to suggest a quick solution when you don't know much about the problem. When you don't understand the underlying cause... or just how deep the wound really is. The first step towards a real cure is to know exactly what the disease is to begin with. But that's not what people want to hear. We're supposed to forget the past that landed us here, ignore the future complications that might arise and go for the quick fix.

- Meredith Grey

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Izzie was presenting Denny during rounds with Burke. "Denny Duquette. Age 36."

"37 in 3 weeks." Denny corrects.

Izzie smiles. "37 in 3 weeks. He's having difficulty breathing and chest pains."

"Breath sounds?" Burke asks.

"Still a little junky. He has a build up fluid in his system," Izzie responds.

"Hey, did you just call me a junkie?" Denny asks. Izzie tries not to smile, shaking her head. "That's not very nice."

Burke looks at his patient. "Denny, you're congestive heart failure is getting worse despite the meds."

Denny nods. "Alright, so how do we proceed?"

Burke looks at the interns. "Doctors, how do we proceed?"

Izzie moves to answer but Alex beats her to it. "Titrate up his nitrate drip and continue with diuretics plus — "

Izzie interrupts. "ACE-inhibitors, Beta-blockers and start dobutamine."

Burke nods. "I also want his ins and outs recorded and one of you monitoring him at all times."

Izzie immediately puts up her hand, "I'll stay."

"Me too," Alex volunteers. He pushes past the others to stand next to Izzie. Izzie and Denny look a little off-put.

Talk about awkward.

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George is rifling through a filing cabinet in the Pit. He notices Callie standing a few feet away, looking at a computer. She suddenly notices him and then looks away quickly. George walks up to her as Callie moves off the computer.


"Hey." Callie greets. She turns back to him. "You didn't call me."

George nods, "I did. I did. A few times. I just hung up every time."

Callie laughs. "Nice. Very stalker like." George nods. "Goes with the hair."

"I just thought it would look good a little shorter."

Callie smiles. "It is shorter. I make you nervous, don't I?

George nods. "Yeah a little."

"That's good."

"Yeah, that's what?" George asks.

Callie laughs. "Hey are you busy?"

George shakes his head. "No."

"You wanna see something really cool?"

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Meredith and Derek are standing, eating lunch together. Meredith is facing the window and Derek is facing the opposite direction.

If I Lay Here {Book 1} - Grey's Anatomy AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang