Much Too Much

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Season 2, Episode 10: Much Too Much
Overall Episode Number: 19
Created by: Shonda Rhimes

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When you were a kid, it was Halloween candy. You hid it from your parents and ate it until you got sick. In college it was the heady combo of youth, tequila and well you know... As a surgeon you take as much of the good as you can get... because it doesn't come around nearly as often as it should. Cause good things aren't always what they seem. Too much of anything, even love is not always a good thing.

- Meredith Grey

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In Richard's office, Addison is signing the papers of her contract at a table while Patricia stands over her shoulder. Richard is sitting at his desk, watching.

Patricia nods at the neonatal surgeon. "Nice to have you on board."

"Thank you, Patricia." Addison thanked.

Patricia takes the papers and wanders off. Addison puts her white coat on stands in front of Richard's desk.

Richard looks at Addison. "Your own service. State of the art NICU. And a salary that'll make you one of the highest paid surgeons in the northwest. You better be worth it."

"Quintuplets, Richard," Addison sighed.

"That's a goal."

Addison looks at the Chief of Surgery. "Mother-to-be checked in this morning."

"Nothing I like more than a high profile case," Richard commented.

"Well don't go calling the press in yet. It's an extremely high risk pregnancy. At least 3 of the babies are surgical. In fact I'm gonna need to pull people from all departments." Addison told him.

"You're my star. Whatever you need," Richard said. He stands up and they shake hands.

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Derek and Burke are at a nurse's station in the hospital. Addison comes up to them and hands them both a large file.

"Dorie Russell, she's giving birth to quints."

Derek nodded. "Yes, Richard said we were on standby. Which is no problem really, cause it's not like I have a neurosurgery department to run or anything."

Addison faked a pout. "Aww."

"Yes, apparently our departments are at her disposal," Burke said.

Addison looks at Derek. "Do you have time to talk to the mom now? I want her to meet all the surgeons on the team."

Derek nodded. "Yes. No problem."

"I'll come by after I get out of the O.R." Burke told Addison.

Addison nodded. "Thank you Dr. Burke."

"Sure!" Burke calls back. He takes the chart and leaves.

Derek stands up and he Addison start walking down the hallway. He starts looking over the file Addison has given him.

"I didn't hear you leave the hotel room. Mackenzie and I missed you at breakfast." Addison said.

Derek shrugged. "I had an early surgery."

"You sure that's all? Nothing's wrong?" Addison asked.

"No, it's like I said. I had an early surgery."

Addison nodded. "Okay."

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Mackenzie sat in Derek's office, looking through her contact list on her phone. Since Derek and Addison were going to be really busy with the quints case, she was going to hang out by herself. This case was all hands on deck, and Mackenzie didn't want to bother anyone.

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