"I understand you. I killed my friend with my own two hands. I blamed myself constantly at the fact that I had not been able to protect her. I had also promised a friend that I would protect her. I eventually met that friend after I thought he died, He forgave me. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.Anyways..I just want you to know that it really wasn't your fault and That I'm here if you need me." He smiled at her once more and the sun rose. He stood up and held an extended arm towards her.

"Please let me do my duty as your guardian and take care of you. I promise you can trust me." Ahmya looked at his hand shakily and hesitantly took it.

Maybe she could really trust him.


"I'm Late arent I?" Ahmya carelessly asked her new guardian who was reading his Book.He looked up at her and shrugged as she walked with her hands in her pockets. She finally arrived at the room of her classroom and looked at it boredly. she sighed and looked up at Kakashi who rose an eyebrow at her.


"Do I seriously have to do this?" She sighed once again.

"Yes." He smirked at her. She pouted and remained still.

"Its fine. You'll Like it." He not so convincingly assured. She looked at him but due to the fabric covering her eyes he couldn't see her deadpanned expression. Before she could retort he whipped the door open and pushed her in before quickly waving and poofing away. Her eye twitched as Kakashi secretly watched from a tree.

She entered the class and although could not see physically she could feel using chakra and looked up at the man she thought to be her sensei.

"Ah. Class this is your new classmate, Could you please introduce yourself?" She looked up at the man and stared for a long time causing the man to sweat slightly. She sighed and turned to the front of the class.

"My Name is Ahmya. Thats all you need to know." She slid her hands in her pockets. She could feel the man sweat drop before he turned towards the class.

"Any questions?" She felt three hands shoot up.

"Yes Sarada?" The man Asked.

"What is your last name?" The class listened intently.

"None of your concern."  The class slumped in disappointment.

"Yes Boruto?"

"Whats up with the thing on your eyes?"

"None of your business" The boy gained an irk mark and stood up pointing at her.

"Whats up with the none of your business thing?" Boruto glared at her.

"None of your business" Kakashi sweat dropped and snickered as boruto anime fell.

"Anyone else?" She asked as a two more boys lifted their hands.

"You with the blue hair."

"What is your favorite food?" He asked while smiling. 'Hes okay.' Ahmya thought.

"Tomatoes." She bluntly said as the man next to her sweat-dropped.

"You. The Nara." She pointed to the boy wearing the familiar clan symbol as he narrowed his eyes. Ahmya saw this and deadpanned.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 | 𝑺. 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒂 ✔️ 𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑼𝑬𝑫Where stories live. Discover now