She wasn't a celebrity with a marriage scandal. Every family member, relatives, and friend knew about their marriage. But they didn't know if a relationship existed between them as they never made an appearance together. By now, they were used to it even if they didn't admit it.

"And here comes your desk. The desk beside yours is mine. You can put whatever you want on your desk. But before that, we have an important meeting in Vihaan Sir's cabin. So, keep your belongings here, and let's get going." He ushered her to Vihaan's cabin.

Akanksha got goosebumps when she saw his name on the door of the cabin. The noise of people grew louder as they approached the door, her heart rate quickly surpassing the rhythmic beat coming from inside. It stopped beating completely as Amar knocked, her stomach dropping to the ground and rolling down. As they entered, a few people were already waiting there, and Vihaan was having a conversation with Viraaj. Not for once did he look in her direction.

The man in front of her looked very handsome. He was clad in a formal black shirt which was tucked in his jeans, all as perfect as the day they were purchased. She could detect the scent of an exquisite cologne lingering in the air. She closed her eyes momentarily and took a small step backward. The aroma was enough to flood her brain with endorphins. His cologne was becoming too much for her.

"Aren't you the new forensic expert who joined today?" A voice behind her called out, startling her.

She turned around to see a middle-aged man standing in front of her, holding a sickly sweet smile.

"Yes." She replied confidently.

"Your name?"

"Akanksha Singh Chauhan."

"Are you in any way related to them?" he asked, pointing towards Vihaan and Viraaj.

"Yes. She's Vihaan Sir's wife." Amar came to her rescue, and she took a sigh of relief.

"I am Nitin Jha from the Forensics Department. Every autopsy is done by me. I hope you will give your best under my guidance."

Akanksha raised an eyebrow, nodding at him.

"Sir, Akanksha is not an intern. She's on the same post as yours," Amar said, bringing him out towards reality.

A few minutes later, the room was filled with the people who were waiting for Vihaan to start.

"No wonder how you got the job," Nitin whispered slowly in Akanksha's ears.

She looked at him in shock.

After arranging a few files on the desk, Vihaan clapped his hands to catch everyone's attention.

"Since I don't like going in circles, let's come to the main topic. As you know that we are currently working on Minister Kamal Prakash's murder case, I have made some new changes regarding the people who will be working along with me in the case."

Hushed whispers filled the entire room, and Vihaan banged his hand on his desk.

"I won't tolerate this type of unprofessionalism. If anyone has any problem, please leave the room."

Everyone fell quiet at his anger.

He continued, "As I was saying, I have made a list of people who will be working along with me throughout this case. Rest all of them will be assigned new cases. So, the list goes like this: Amar Shekhawat from the Special Crimes Division. Amar, make a group of seven most trusted officers from your department who will work along with us and hand me their names by afternoon."

Amar nodded.

"Ahad Mirza will be working with us from the Digital Department as our tech expert. And last but not the least from the Forensic Department, there will be our new forensic expert Akanksha Chauhan along with the intern Mayank and our forensic photographer, Nikhil."

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