11 - casual strolls

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then, a pair of arms wrapped around me, and i turned to see who it was. the pink and green girl was beaming at me, "(y/n)! iguro and i are here to relieve you of your duties!!!"

i turned, seeing the pillar with his snake around his neck. the boys were all looking at the two hashiras, obviously confused and even more so when they noticed their appearances. "really? you don't have to, jiro and i were going to j—"

she let go of me and put her hand over my mouth to stop me, "nope! you can go with them tonight! we've all heard how busy miyagi has been, so we want to make sure that you rest and enjoy your free time!!!"

feeling slightly bad, but also glad at the same time, i tightly hugged the two pillars, "mitsu!! iguro!!! thanks! i'll be sure to repay you two later on!" the female giggled lightly while the stoic male stayed silent. turning to the larger group, i linked arms with kuroo and bokuto, "is there still room for one more?"

"anything for you, sweetie~" the cat captain purred, causing a laugh to escape my lips.

daichi, being the dad he is, asked me before we started heading out to change, "what about your leg? are you going to be okay walking around?"

i smirked at him, and stomped my right leg, "it's fine! i'm just keeping the cast so someone doesn't yell at me haha..." shinobu's angry face popped into my head for a moment, but i quickly brushed it off.

tanjiro handed me my umbrella before i left, "stay safe (y/n)." i nodded.

"don't worry about me, jiro!"

time skip brought to you by semi eita (24) (from shiratorizawa institute) government employee, band musician💘💘💘💘💘

bouncing on my heels, i was waiting for the boys to come out once they finished changing. i wore a pair of black combat boots, tights for warmth, a white pleated skirt, and a (favorite color) sweatshirt on top. my black umbrella was resting on my shoulder as i stood in front of the building.

soon enough, the boys started to trickle out of the building and we started to head to the train station. in the group was all of karasuno, a few nekoma boys, and the two fukurodani players.

i ended up standing in the middle of the train section, holding onto one of the handing handles as the train moved. "where are we going first?"

kuroo, who seemed to be in charge of our sight seeing, replied, "the real tokyo tower!"

a few of the crows cheered at this, excited to finally see the famous tourist spot. i smiled, glad to see them all energetic, when the train suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

instead of stumbling toward, an arm snaked around my waist and held me in place. i was brought to their chest, leaving a few inches between our faces.

gunmetal blue eyes met mine.

"hey akaashi, funny to see you here!" i chirped, smiling at the second year setter.

in response, he blushed at our proximity to each other and immediately let go, "sorry. i didn't want you to fall over."

i shrugged, "that's fine! i trust you." warmly smiling at the boy, he flushed even more and turned to look out of the window.

the train came to another stop and the players rushed out of the compartment. kuroo was dragging kenma and leading the way, i walked alongside the two female managers. "have either of you looked around tokyo before?"

"only in passing," kiyoko explained.

yachi shook her head, "my mom has always kept me at home since i was a kid..."

i bobbed my head as we walked, "i've looked around once with my family when i was younger..." thinking about them brought down my mood slightly, but we continued on.

kuroo stopped the group, "as soon as we round this corner, we can see the sky tree!!"

noya and tanaka ran ahead, hinata in tow. i casually walked with the girls as we approached the tourist spot. "wow. it's just as tall as you, lev!"

the mentioned halfer turned around as i said that, and yaku who was beside him started laughing. "(l/n)!!!" he whined, causing the group to laugh at his pouting tone.

i winked at him and walked past, reaching one of the main picture spots for the tower. walking through the crowd, i suddenly felt a strong presence somewhere nearby me.

a demon.

maybe... the demon king??

my heart started to beat harder as i searched for the source of the power, spinning around in the crowd and searching for his blood red eyes that he always adorned.

in the see through world, i spotted... is that even a human at all? a 'man' who had seven functioning hearts and five brains throughout his body. he was wearing a full black suit and was walking with another demon with blond hair and a traditional yukata.

i knew i couldn't confront them... not in a crowd and alone...

but my body reacted before my brain could.

i grabbed the demon king's wrist, staring at his blood red eyes, "muzan..."

the demon next to him turned around as well, showing his rainbow eyes that reflected the neon lights of tokyo. "ara? who's this?" he grabbed my chin and looked at my face, "you're quite beautiful... and strong... a hashira, perhaps?"

pushing away his hand, i then gripped the handle of my umbrella with anger. until my wrist was grabbed from behind, "(l/n)? everyone's looking for you!"

releasing muzan's wrist, i halfway turned to see kuroo who was gazing at the two demons in front of me. the captain went on, "let's go before daichi throws a fit."

i knew i had to go with him.

it's not like i could've killed muzan and upper moon two at the same time...

i let him start to pull me away, but turned back to address the demons, "i'll find you both again, and you won't escape."

upper moon two simply smiled and waved as the demon king turned around to continue walking. "i hope that i'll see you again (l/n) chan~"

my heart was still racing after that encounter, my brain going haywire after seeing two powerful demons just casually strolling around tokyo.

gripping my umbrella handle tightly, i followed kuroo back to the group, quickly being bombarded with worry from the team. i shrugged them off, still out of it as we walked around.

i had been on autopilot for awhile, until i finally came to and noticed someone holding my hand as they pulled me along. looking up, i saw fukurodani's ace as we walked through tokyo with the group.

i'll have to thank him later.

word count - 1756
a/n - it's so hard not simping for specific characters in this and making it all about interactions w them lmaoo i also don't know how i'm gonna end this book! wild, like and comment if you enjoyed!

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