Natalie looked at the photo album and smiled. It was the picture of her, Bella, Avery G, Sophia, Emma, and Jake at 8th grade.


First day of 6th grade, the day the Harpers moved into West Brook." Hi, I'm Emma Hellenkamp. Nice to meet you." Emma greeted.

" Hi." Natalie said." You're so young, to be in 6th grade. It just amaze me." Emma said." Well, I should be in college right now, but my parents decided to keep me on the same grade as Avery." Natalie said.

" She's my sister." Natalie said pointing at Avery with a proud smile." Wait, you look like Kaycee Mcrae." Emma said." That's my stage name." Avery said.

" O my gosh. I'm actually a big fan of you. I'm also a dancer- well, tap dancer." Emma said." That's good to hear, I also train tap but not as much anymore." Avery said.

" Funny how we have the same name." Avery G. said." I'm Avery Gay." Avery G. Introduced herself." And I'm Jake McAuley and I'm a proud gay." Jake introduced himself.

" Bella Klassen." Bella introduced."  Last but not the least. Sophia Lucia." Sophia introduced." Nice to meet you all." Natalie said.

" So if you're Kaycee McRae... then you must be Tate McRae." Emma said." That is me." Natalie confirmed." We heard a lot about you, Bella, Jake, Avery, and I are also contemporary dancers." Sophia said.

" Oh, my younger sister is also a contemporary dancer. Her name's Elise, but you probably heard her as Brynn McRae." Natalie said.

" Yeah, you guys are like dance prodigies." Bella said." Let's all sit together at lunch." Jake said." I'd love that." Natalie said.

" Looks like your sister also made new friends." Avery G. pointed at Avery talking to few boys and girls." Oh yeah, as Natalie introduced awhile ago, she's my sister." Avery introduced Natalie to her new friends.

" Hi, I'm Sean Lew." Sean introduced himself to Natalie with a smile." Hi." Natalie said. And so then it goes with them forming a big group of friends, sitting in a very long table, just talking every lunch and have fun.

Going into 9th grade, nothing much changed but maybe confusion on their feelings for each other. But you know, in such a young age, you'll be very confused on how you feel especially when a guy shows how caring he is about you.

" Let me help you with that." Sean said carrying Natalie's books as they enter the library." Oh, thank you." Natalie said.

" Let me help you with that too, Avery." Sean said carrying Avery's books too. Elise rolled her eyes as they walk to the Harper's table and sat down.

Sean was always a very caring person, but probably way too much caring that you would think he's in love with you. Sean set every book down and sat next to Avery as they were joined by the whole group, including Jake, Sophia, Emma, Bella, Avery G, Bailey, Tahani, Tati, Kenneth, Josh, Amari, Liv, Oliver, Liam and Max.

" Hey." Gabe said." I just want to ask you to maybe hang out with me after school." Gabe said turning to Avery." Who? Me?" Avery asked confused." Wouldn't anybody else." Gabe said.

Sean looked at them and obviously looked pretty jealous. Jake, Sophia, Emma, Avery G, and Bella looked at Natalie knowing she has a huge crush on Sean.

" Uhm... sure. Yeah." Avery said. Sean just looked away and continued on reading. 11th grade, Gabe asked Avery to be his girlfriend.

Of course, Sean was heartbroken but thank God, Natalie was there." You'll find someone better." Natalie comforted.

" You're right." Sean said. Right after that, Natalie and Sean got a lot closer and Natalie's friends always tease her about him.

" I'm scared for you when Sean ask you out, you're so into him you might forget about us." Bella said." I would never do that." Natalie said.

" Promise?"  Avery G asked." Promise." Natalie said." You're all making promises when we're not even sure if Sean's gonna ask Natalie to be his girlfriend. I'm sorry Nat to confront you about this, but I can tell Sean will always has his eyes on Avery. I'm just trying to protect you Nat." Jake said.

" Why do you always ruin the mood?" Emma asked." Let Natalie be happy." Sophia said." Don't worry not, we got your back." Sophia reassured.

" I'm just saying what I know." Jake said." Ok Jake, I get your point. You don't need to be too practical about it." Natalie said.

" Ok, ok." Jake said. 12th grade, Things changed quickly at beginning of September." Natalie." Sean called.

Natalie turned around." Yeah? " Natalie asked. " Could you meet me at the auditorium alone? " Sean asked.

" Uhm... Sure." Natalie said. Sean smiled before walking away." I have this feeling-" Bella was cut off." He's gonna ask you out!" Emma squealed jumping up and down and hugging Natalie.

" You didn't even let me finish." Bella said pouting her lips." Figured that one out." Sophia said." Let's be realistic. What if he's just making you as a rebound because he couldn't have Avery." Avery G. said.

" Nat, don't be too easy on him. We know you're in love with him and you'll definitely gonna say yes but is it really worth it to be a rebound? Avery Gay is always right you know. And so am I." Jake said.

" You guys are buzz kills. Can't you just be happy and supportive?" Emma said." We are supportive." Bella said." By stating the truth? Sophia asked.

" Yeah because we're really good friends and don't want nothing but pure happiness for our little nut cracker." Bella said.

" Sean's a nice guy but Nat is way too good for him." Jake said." I'll see you guys later and tell you how it turns out." Natalie said.

" Oh no, we are not waiting, we're going with you." Emma said dragging Natalie to the Auditorium with the rest of her friends following behind.

" We're gonna go to the backstage. See ya." Emma said leaving Natalie alone in front of the auditorium and left to go the backstage with the rest of her friends.

Sean asked her out and everything seemed fine. A couple of months later, Natalie's parents had died, things started to change but Natalie couldn't process any of it because it just all happen so quickly.

End of Flashback

Natalie ended her flashback." I shouldn't think about this, it's all in the past." Natalie said putting the photo album back in the box and hide it under her bed. 

This is a little short flashback, I decided to cut it to this because I've decided the continuation of this flashbacks deserves a chapter on their own. I'll probably update a lot next week because of Christmas break which is cool. Enjoy this chapter for now.

Also, follow me on my instagram fanpage (cassyxmulti)  Brynn and William already liked my edits of them which is very cool. Just wanted to share with you guys.

Anyways! Peace!

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