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As we look at each other face to face. The Pastor is asking for us to tell our vows at each other. I am so emotional right now that I don't think I can even talk.

" As we all bare witness to this loving couple unify their heart and souls. Let's give them a lending ear and an open heart as they both tell their vows to one another." The pastor said.

Jimin is looking at me intently I can say that he is nervous too so I gave his hand a gentle squeeze to give him strength and gave him my warmest smile.

JM: " " My Princess.... first of all, I want you to know that I have written my vows and practiced it for the past few days. But honestly, right now my mind is blank because I am too nervous. What I am about to say really comes from my heart... ( Nervous laugh) .. uhmmm, when we first met and became a part of one team, I intentionally gave you a hard time because way back then my ideals are too small and shallow. But you never gave up. You have proven me wrong with your burning passion and love for your craft. We started our journey as a team, you, me and our members. We went through a lot but most especially, it was never easy but you still hold on. Then, when I was going through my denial stage and some really big hardships, you were there beside me. Even though I have hurt you and pushed you away, you were always there for me. I realized one day that I have fallen in love with you, but was too scared to admit it because I was afraid of getting hurt and also afraid of hurting you. We have gone through so many ups and downs in our roller coaster life but you are always there holding my hand. And now, in front of everyone, I want you to know that no matter what life brings us, life may beat us up, but I will never let go of this hand (holding Sammie's hands up and voice cracking as he is about to cry)  I will never let go and I will always be here for you like how you have always been there for me. You have love me at my worst and for that I am thankful, I am thankful for your stubborn heart as it keeps on loving me regardless of my shortcomings. I love you with all of my heart and with all of me. And I will keep loving you forever and that is a promise that I will never ever break. I will be your husband at the end of this day. We will both start our own journey and I can't promise you that it would be a smooth ride. There will be bumps along the way but I will take care of you, I will always understand you and I will always be here for you. I love you so so much. Thank you for standing here with me today, my wife!"

I am so emotional after Jimin stated his vow that my tears started to fall. I felt his sincerity on each words he said. I also see my members wiping tears from their eyes most specially our parents. And now it's my turn.

SM: " Jimin oppa...... we had a rough start when we first met. You really went out of your way to make my life harder then. But someone told me to hang on and that you have a good heart ( I look at Taehyung and he smiles at me). I hold on to those words until such time that I proved it myself. Indeed, you have a good heart. I fell in love with you for years before you even knew it. Regardless of what happened, even though you hurt me so much way back then my heart kept on loving you, because it sees the goodness in your heart. You've made me a stronger person, you've thought me how to value and love myself more. That I don't need anyone's love to complete me. All I need is for me to love myself. Only then, I will be brave and strong to love someone else. And thinking about it now, things happened for a reason, because we both learn and became a better version of ourselves. We needed to go through those hardships to learn how to value each other more. And yes this day has finally arrived, as you and I will be bonded as husband and wife and I promise, that like you, I will never let go of your hand. I will stay beside you to love and support you no matter what. I am brave to face life with whatever stone it will throw us because I will face it with you, we will face it together. Thank you for waiting for my heart to be ready, thank you for being patient , and thank you for being sincere and consistent. From this day forward, I will give my all to you as you to me  with a happy heart. Thank you for making me believe that forever is possible. I love you my chimchim!"

BTS 8TH MEMBER Promise  (BOOK2) ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now