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We have been working everyday for the new album. Everything is going so well with the album making. We are also shooting for the concept shoots and the albums Jacket shoots as well.

We have been working on our choreography this time we have the main track single which we will be promoting and another song which we collaborated with a great American record producer and a DJ Steve Aoki.

In a week we will be shooting our MV for DNA which is our title track from the 5th mini album we are working on which we will release on September 18th of this year. We are trying to finish as much as we can before we continue on our tour.

Because after the release of the album we will do the promotions and set our comeback performance in music shows.

We are tired, sleep deprived but we still feel happy because we get to do what we love make music and perform. We are just hoping that our fans will like what we have prepared for them. And we are proud of the song selections from this album as it represents more of a story of ourselves that we would like to share with our fans.

Jimin and I on the other hand have been doing good. We go out sometimes on dates on private places mostly late at night so we can get to do normal things normal couples do. I haven't ask him yet about his plans about his dating ban. He didn't know that I know it but if he ever needs help I will always be here for him.

We are now on the dance studio practicing our DNA choreography. Our dance gets harder and harder as years go by. I am just so thankful for the good genes my parents had given me so I could endure this bone breaking choreography. Most of our staff are amaze by my energy and endurance that I could keep up with the boys most specially I am always one of the members who is always part of the front and center position along with Jungkook and Jimin.

It is really double hard for me because I need to match my movements with theirs. And I am also thankful for those acting lessons we had when we were trainees because we can act cool and fierce during our performance without looking tired and sluggish.

We call for a break and I literally drop on the floor to lay down and rest. I am so tired ans drench in sweat. After a few minutes I get up and crawled towards the table to get some water.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked me and I just nodded while drinking a bottle of water. Jimin, Jungkook and V is still lying on the floor taking a rest. We tend to give our all even in practice that's why it wears us out.

Namjoon grab some water bottle and gave it to three guys. "Are guys okay?" I heard Namjoon ask them and they just give out an okay sound.

One by one they sat up and drink thw water that was given to them. Jimin look at me and crawl his way to where I was at.

JM: "Are you okay love?"

SM: " Yes i am. The choreo is so insanely hard but worth it!"

JM: " I know, but we need to keep down a notch or else we will get paralyze!"

SM: "Look who is talking you are the one who dances like you wanted to break your bones or something!"

JM: "Hahahaha that's true. The music is so powerful I got carried away!"

SM: " hahaha yeah right!"

JM: "Love are you making fun of me??hahaha"

SM: "Sssshhhh don't be so loud they might hear you!"

JM: "Hear me?? About what? And why are you whispering?"

SM: " If you don't remember mister that we are not out yet in the public. No one knows about us but for a few trusted people!"

BTS 8TH MEMBER Promise  (BOOK2) ***COMPLETE***Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum