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We are now on the waiting room with my members. The room is very loud as my members are laughing and talking. But despite the noise I feel like I can still the loud beating of my heart.

I am nervous in the next few minutes I will be marrying the girl of my dreams. My promised forever. Sammie is just in the other room across the hall I can't wait to see her. I am excited and nervous at the same time mix emotions but I am really really happy.

"Sir can you take a group photo please for your wedding album!" said the photographer in the room. He and his team is assigned photographers in my wedding.

He ask all the members and me pose around the sofa in the room. As usual my members are hard to huddle up when they are excited I really need to raise my voice to get their attention.

RM: " Hey you mad?"

JM: "Just come over here and get our pictures taken!"

SG: "Is that the nerve talking? I can hear in your voice how nervous you are!"

V: "Who wouldn't be nervous he is marrying the most gorgeous girl in the world!"

JM: "Hey stop that she is gonna be my wife!"

V: "I'm her best friend she loves me more than you!! I am irreplaceable!"

JM: "You wish! She loves me more that's why she agreed to marry me!"

V: "Don't you dare hurt my best friend I will literally drag you to the balcony and push you?!"

JM: "Murderer!!"

JN: "Yah you two shut up. Quit playing around the photographer is waiting.

JH: "Where's Jungkook~ah?"

( Tae saw jungkook eating snacks)

V: "Jungkook~ah stop eating let's go save your stomach for the reception there is more food there!

JK: "Hyung I'm hungry!"

JH: "  You are always hungry come here and lets take pictures."

And with that everyone gather around and have our photos taken.

And with that everyone gather around and have our photos taken

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"This doesn't feel complete without Sammie . We haven't have a complete picture recently ever since we started our enlistment!" Jin said as we look like we are having a photoshoot for a magazine or jacket album.

As we finish taking in pictures the nervousness started again. I am excited to see Sammie~ah after this day we will already be a married couple. We will be living in the house that I bought for us.

All members already have their own homes but we still keep our dorm because there will always be times that we will be living together for work and for some other stuffs.

BTS 8TH MEMBER Promise  (BOOK2) ***COMPLETE***Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя