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Sammie's POV:

Suga ask Annie to help me prepare for the bachelorettes party. We rented  a huge hotel suite in one of the luxurious hotel near the Namsan Tower it has an indoor pool and also Spa amenities that would provide services to the guest of the party.

Annie help us booked the place and made sure the utmost security and privacy as most of the guest are members of the Twice Idol group and some Korean models  that are friends with Tzuyu. Suga and I have talked about the plans so we need to make sure everything will go smoothly. I am thankful that I have Annie with me.

We arrived at hotel suite earlier than the guest we have other hotel staffs that would be giving service exclusively for us for that evening.

We will all be around 23 heads for these party 9 of those are the whole twice group the rest will be the models and their close staff from JYP entertainment and of course me and Annie.

The guest started arriving around 7:30pm I greeted them as they enter and make sure that they are taken cared off by the hotel staff. We will have a bit of mini program so I have a mic and sound system set up at one side of the suite.

As everyone present I grab the mic to get the attention of everyone.

"Hello good evening everyone. For those who don't know me I am Sammie from BTS  I am a member of Tzuyu unnie's future Husband. As we all gather here today to celebrate together another milestone on Tzuyu unnie's  life. Soon enough she will have her own family a husband and a child so to Tzuyu unnie chukahaeyo!" I said as I raise a glass of wine and drink it, all of the guest followed suit and congratulated her.

"We would like to hear some words from you Tzuyu unnie.!" I said as I bring her the mic to give some words to the guest.

"Well thank you everyone for coming. I am glad that I am celebrating this great milestone in my life with you. I am in a very happy place right now. I would like to thank my members for always being there and for understanding me, Thank you from our JYP staff for taking care of me, my friends thank you so much for coming and of course I would like to give s big thank you to Sammie who threw this party for me. Thank you so much because soon I will be one with your beloved member Jimin so thank you so much and everyone let's enjoy the party!" She finished her speech and everyone applauded. I notice her smirk and sarcastic tone when she was thanking me. I am laughing inside because she might be all high and mighty now but soon everyone will find out the truth.

No one messes with any of my member if she thinks I will let it go and have her way she is mistaken. She does not have any what hell she made us go through with her lies. I'll make sure she won't forget what she has done.

I was able to notice that Tzuyu is drinking more wine for a pregnant lady so she keeps on going to the rest room to pee. On her fourth time going to the rest room I followed her and waited for her at the corridor in front of the washroom.

S: "Unnie you shouldn't be drinking so much. Remember that you are pregnant!"

T: " I know! It's just wine it wont harm the baby. Don't be such a killjoy aren't you happy that I am enjoying this party that you prepare for me!"

S: "Well I am glad that you are enjoying. I just want to make sure that you still take care of yourself because wine is still harmful for the baby if it's too much!"

T: "Mind your own business. It's my body I know what is good and bad for me. You know what your problem is you always stick your nose to places where it's not suppose to be!"

S: "Of course it's my business because you are carrying the baby of my beloved member Jimin remember? Unless...."

T: "Unless what huh?"

S: "Unless you are not really pregnant!"

T: "What did you just say? Are you out of your mind?"

S: "Don't scream to loud other people might hear you! Now tell me the truth you are only pretending to be pregnant because you don't want Jimin to break up with you right? You made up this lie so you would not loose him?"

T: "So what if I lied?!! What is it to you?! No one will believe you Jimin wont believe you because I already have prepared everything. A fake ultrasound test and even paid a fake gynecologist. So no one will believe you even if you tell them the truth. It's your words against mine!"

S: "You are a lying piece of crap. You are selfish you make up this lie just to force someone to be with you? What kind of woman are you?"

T: "I am the kind of woman who loves someone so much. That I will do everything it takes for us to be together?"

S: "You call that love? That is not love that's being selfish. If you truly love Jimin you wouldn't force him to a situation that he is not willing to be in. You would not ruin his life his career that he has built. You would not hurt him!"

T: " So what?? You think thank you are the best person for him? That you love him more? I know everything Sammie! I know that you are in love with Jimin but sorry you would not have him because he is all mine!"

S: "Hahaha so pathetic. Jimin is not an object that you own. He is not a thing that you can keep. He has his own mind and freewill which is something that you are robbing off because of your lies!"

T: "You know what I don't care what you have to say. I will marry Jimin whether you like it or not. He will never believe you because he knows you like him and he knows that you will do everything to keep us a part so he will never believe you. So you can keep fantasizing about him but you will never have him. Do you understand?!!"

And with that she walks away and went back to the party with her friends. What an absolute bitch. How can she be so confident telling in front of my face the lie that she made.

I am beyond piss now but I don't want to make a scene. I will never give her that satisfaction to humiliate me in front of other people. Sooner or later her ruse will be exposed and I will never even pity her if that time comes because she deserves it.

I walk towards the veranda to get some fresh air. I needed a quiet place for me to think straight and calm down. "Are you okay?" Annie ask me as she walk towards me and I just give her a nod.

"Can you imagine Tzuyu being so arrogant telling me truth that she is lying to be pregnant. She even faked her ultrasound to be more believable. In all of this craziness I only worry about Jimin!" I told Annie honestly. I am worried of him getting hurt. I know that at this time he is already excited for the baby he even ask me yesterday about baby names.

" Me too even Suga worries about him. But we cannot just let him go through this wedding without telling him the truth. He deserves to know the truth Sammie and as friends it's our responsibility to protect him!" Annie said and she is correct. Jimin needs to know the truth. But how are we gonna make him believe us and what can we do to fix all this.

"I am just hoping our plan will work. If not I will really drag Tzuyu at a legal gynecologist to have an ultrasound in front of us, I swear to god I'll do that worst comes to worst!" I told Annie and she laugh at me.

"Have faith with the plan Suga is a genius he will make it work!"


BTS 8TH MEMBER Promise  (BOOK2) ***COMPLETE***Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora