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We have been working for 4 days now non stop in our studio perfecting the songs and making some corrections if necessary. In this album we have been working with several different producers some we have met and some we haven't seen in person but have talk to over the phone.

Some of our producers resides from the states they just normally send us guides that we can work with make some revisions and incorporate Korean language because most of the guides coming from them is in pure english.

One of the producers whom we have work with in the current album and previous album will be arriving today. Her name is Melissa Wright I haven't met her in person though we have talk to her over the phone but some of the members met her briefly when we were in the states last year if I am not mistaken. But I don't know much about her aside from she makes good music.

She will be coming here in Korea to learn on how we produce our songs and learn the Korean language and culture for I don't know what reason but that is what our management told us during the staff meeting yesterday.

We were busy recording when a blonde girl entered the room. We are inside the booth so she is standing beside Slow Rabbit looking at us. I feel like we are fishes in an aquarium, she made eye contact with RM and waive at him and our leader waive back.

"Oppa is that Melissa?" I ask RM and he just nodded.

So we continue doing the recording as a group as we already finish the solo parts earlier. So basically we are just doing the second voices and background harmonization for the song.

When we finish we went out of the booth one by one. Melissa run to Namjoon and gave him  a hug and she did that to the others as well and lastly me.

"Finally Sammie I got to meet you in the flesh. You weren't with them when I met them in Chicago last year!" she said she looks nice and friendly. And she also looks so young with a pretty face and nice body.

"Yeah I was a bit under the weather that time so I just stayed in the hotel. But finally I got to meet you thank you for helping us with our songs!" I told her as I gave her a warm smile.

She smile back " OH no don't say that its's a previledge working with you guys. Such world class performers singing a song I co-wrote is an honor!" She said excitingly. So far she is nice like how she sounds over the phone. And I see my members approve of her as well. I guess she made a good impression when they met her.

What catches my attention is that she gave Jimin a second hug and said. "I miss you Jiminie!" she said looking at Jimin like she is ready to devour her.

After she hug Jimin, Jimin look at me awkwardly as if he is afraid of something. Why would he be afraid is there something I didn't know.

Suga and Tae is also looking at me as I can see Melissa have her arms around Jimin's arms. This really looks fishy. And my members are also acting weird they cannot even look me in the eye. And Jimin does the same way.

"Oh Sammie can I ask a favor when you aren't busy at all as I know you are very fluent in English would you teach me some basic Korean!" She ask  and I just nodded but I am a bit hesistant something seems to be not right.

We took a break from recording and just lounge around the studio. " So guys what time will you finish?" Melissa ask us.

" It actually depends we can stay for as long as we can so we can accomplish more I mean the release and comeback is very near and we also have choreography for the title track that we need to finish!" RM answered.

" Aww that is sad I was hoping that you guys will have dinner with me and show me around!" she said pouting . I dunno for some reason I am starting to dislike her she is kinda clingy and needy and she is all over Jimin for crying out loud.

BTS 8TH MEMBER Promise  (BOOK2) ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now