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Sammie's POV:

The next day I woke up late and I feel fully rested. I had a full and relaxing slumber. It's already 1:30 pm. I drank red ginseng tea to boost my energy.

I then went ahead and take a shower then fix myself. After preparing myself I grab my stuff and went out of my room. I walk towards the suite room as I wanted to eat before drinking my meds and vitamins. I saw some of our staff in the room and they look at me seems like they are wondering what I am doing there.

"I am hungry do we have any food?" I politely ask they immediately gave me a bento box full of food and fruits. I bow and said thank you to them as I walk towards the table in the next room.

I finish my food as the staff called me saying we need to leave. I saw my members at the lobby and I just said hi to them all smiles. As we enter the van I put my earphones on and played music in full blast.

I have Bruno Mars on repeat. I drum my hands on my lap and moving my body with the beat. It's a go to dance song if I may say so myself. So I was listening to the music the whole time until we reach the venue.

The other members went to the cafeteria to eat before practice. "Sammie you need to eat!" Taehyung told me as I can see he is still worried. "It's okay Tae I ate a lot at the hotel you can ask the staff if you want too. I am pretty full!" I told him I know that they already know what really happen to me and that Tae is worried but he don't need to I feel perfectly fine.

"How are you feeling?" He ask me still looking at my face maybe to see if I am really doing good . "I have never been better Oppa. Go ahead and eat I'll wait for you guys at the stage for practice!" I told him as I walk towards the dressing room to leave my things then proceeded to go to the stage.

While waiting I ask the stage director if I can practice my solo stage while waiting for the members to finish eating. I was so into the performance and trying to make sure I'll get everything perfect to the Tee when the music stops. I look around and saw all my members and staff on the other side of the stage and they were calling me.

I think we will have a meeting so I run towards them and stood beside J hope. Everyone looks a little glum looking at me. "What??" I ask them.

RM: " The management and all the members agreed for you to sit out the performance tonight. We wanted for you to rest more and not exhaust yourself so you can recover faster!"

S: "What do you mean sit out? I am already okay Oppa I can perform you don't need to worry I am perfectly fine!"

Manager: " Sammie we totally understand that you wanted to perform and that this is the last time that you will perform in this country.  We get that and we appreciate it. But you guys still have 24 more shows to perform at and we can't take the risk of your welfare!"

S: " Manager~nim I am telling you I can do it. I feel better. Yesterday I know I wasn't in my best and it's my fault. But please let me perform I know my body I know my limits I promise I'll tell you at once if I am not feeling well!"

JH: "Princess yesterday you almost gave us a heart attack. We don't want to see you collapsing again!"

S: "I am sorry about that Oppa but I am better now. I won't over exert myself.  I'll pace my movements just let me perform!"

Y: " This is not the right time to be stubborn Sammie. If you don't care about yourself then just care about the people who will get in trouble if something happens to you!"

BTS 8TH MEMBER Promise  (BOOK2) ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now