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Sammie's POV:

I was there sitting at the sofa beside Jin who is very busy telling Dad jokes that are not that funny but we are laughing because when he laughs it's contagious. Tae and JK is still playing video games and the others are just talking about random stuff.

Jimin on the other hand is just quiet he seems deep in thought while drinking. I sometimes catch him looking at me and everytime I do he looks away. I am not sure what's wrong with him he was just so chatty and loud earlier.

I decided to come sit beside him as the others continue to talk. "Hey do you plan to really get drunk?" I joke but he just look at me and continued drinking. That is odd what is wrong with him. " Is there any problem why are you not talking to me?" I ask him worriedly.

" I've got nothing to say!" He said without any emotions. He didn't even look at me he is just looking blankly at the other members talking. "So is there anything wrong? You suddenly became quiet?" I ask again.

He look at me irritably " Is it a crime to be quiet? I don't have anything to say to anyone that's why I don't talk. I don't see anything wrong in that!!" He snap at me. I was shock by his coldness and his treatment towards me. I thought we are now okay but I guess not.

I won't tolerate his behaviour so I decided to stand and look for a space to sot elsewhere but he grab my hand and pull me to sit down."Mianhe Sammie I didn't mean to snap at you like that!" He said in a somber tone but he isn't even looking at me so I dunno if he is being sincere.

"So what is the problem then why did you became grumpy mode all of a sudden?" I ask him and he knows that I am demanding a truthful answer. I can see in his actions that he is hesitating.

"There is nothing wrong I am just really not in the mood to talk right now!" He said and I got disappointed with his answer. " Okay then talk to me when you are ready to be honest!" I told him as I pull my hand that he is still holding.

I went and sit beside Tae who is playing video games with Jungkook in front of the television. "You want to try?" Tae offered me the game controller that he is holding. I decided to give it a try so I can remove my mind of Jimin. " I don't know how to play this!" I told them and Tae teach me the buttons to push so I can play with Jungkook.

I immediately immerse myself on olaying the video game. I wanted to beat JK who always wins on any computer or video games out there.

At the corner of my eye I see Jimin left the room. I thought he will just go to the restroom but twenty minutes had pass but he didn't return. Maybe he decided to sleep because he is already intoxicated.

I just enjoyed the game. I manage to beat Jungkook once but for the remaining sets I suck.

At around 2:30am we all call it a night and went back to our individual rooms. I took a shower and change on my PJ's. I am still bothered by Jimin's sudden mood change. But I don't really want to press him with any further details. I'll just let him be and wait on the time that he wanted to talk.


I woke up around 11:30 am. I heard someone knocking at my door I guess that's what woke me up. " Give a minute!" I shouted to whoever is knocking at my door.

I unlock my door and it immediately swing open almost hitting my face. It's Namjoon, "Oppa you almost hit me with the door. Why are you in such a hurry?" I ask him as he walk in my room. He look back at me with a worried face. "I am sorry did I hit you?" He ask as he examine my face for any possible bump.

"No you didn't hit me! What I said is you almost hit me and why are you in a hurry is there a problem!" I ask him again.

" There is no problem. I was just thinking that because it's our free day today you might want to work on some music?" he ask me enthusiastically. " I already have equipment set up in my room I'll have Suga join us as well if you agree. We just needed to block some songs that we will need to submit for the album and we need to make some guides as well for the first two that we created!" He said.

I am so excited to do it as making music really does relax me and take things off my mind. "Sure do Oppa let me just take a shower and I'll be right by your room after!" I told him.

"Okay see you in a few. I'll order lunch for us as well okay!" He said and I nodded and he went out of my room and back to his. Atleast today will be a productive day for me as I don't have anything planned.

So all through out the afternoon the three of us work on some music. Tae also came in the middle of us doing the guides so he volunteered on helping us make it. We have been cooped up in the room all day when we finished it's already 9:30pm. "Let's call it a day we have accomplished so much I'll take care of the polishing!" Namjoon said as we are all sitting around the room. Tae is using my lap as a pillow as we are both on the sofa.

"So guys what do you want for dinner?" Suga asks before we can even answer someone is knocking on the door. Namjoon open it and it's the rest of the members. Jhope,Jin,JK and Jimin.

Jimin and I instantly lock eyes. But he immediately look away. So he is still at his mood so I just decided not to bother with it."What are you guys been doing?" Suga ask them.

"The three of us walk around the city check some clothes and some restaurants. I dunno about Jimin!" Jin answered so he was alone all this time. "I have been out and about nothing special!" he said as they lounge at the available chairs and Namjoon's bed.

"We are about to order dinner. What do you guys want?" Suga ask the rest of the guys.

Jhope suggests that we all go to this Korean restaurant they found a block away from here. Everyone agreed so we all went to our rooms to change our clothes.

My cellphones light is blinking meaning that there is a call or a message. I haven't checked my phone this morning. There was like 13 missed calls from Jimin and bunch of messages. I read the first message he sent.

[Sorry for my behaviour last night. I didn't mean to upset you. I wanted to make it up to you so come meet me at the entrance of Disneyland Hong Kong by 6pm see you my princess]

[I can't wait to spend the evening with you. I am on my way I'll be waiting ❤️]

[I am here you can immediately see me. I am just at the left side of the entrance. Be careful see you soon.]

[ Please text me back. I am a bit worried that you got lost!"]

[ I will wait for you I will just be here. Come see me please when you read this.]

[ I have been calling you but you aren't answering. I guess you might be busy. It's okay I'll just go back to the hotel]

Oh my god I am so upset about this. Why didn't I bring my phone with me. I wasn't really expecting any important call or message and I am not the type of person who carries my phone the whole time.

I really feel bad. Everything seems to be not going where I thought it should be. I really feel guilty. If only I have seen the message I would have gone directly to Disneyland. I need to make it up to him.

I change my dress immediately and went out my room. I hurriedly walk towards Jimin's room and knock on his door.

He opened it slowly.
"What?" he said

And I immediately hug him

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And I immediately hug him.


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