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"Can we talk?" I ask her as we are walking out of the suite. She suddenly stop to look at me as if he thinks I'm joking. I have a good news to tell her that's why I am meaning to talk to her.

"Sure! What about?"She said as she continued walking." Can we talk in your room so we can have a bit of privacy?" I ask her she looks hesitant but nodded in agreement.

We both walk through the hallways without saying anything with each other she opens her room and let me in. I walk and sit in the sofa that is in her room.

She grab a bottle of water in her mini ref ask me if I like some but I decline. I waited for her to sit on the sofa so we can start our conversation.

S: "So what do you want to talk about?"

J: "Well I receive a call from Bang Pd~nim earlier. And we talk about the clauses in my contract!"

S: "Oookay.... So what does that have to do with me?"

J: "W-well I-i just like to share it with you. They have removed my dating ban clauses. Pd~nim felt sorry for what happened to us and he ask the executive the remove the ban and they did!"

S: " Ohh congratulations then. Good to know that you have one less rule to worry about. But then again what does it have to do me?"

J: " I just wanted you to know. A-and I am t-thinking if w-we can try a-again. I s-still l-l-love you it n-never change. I was h-hoping for a s-second chance."

S: " Ooowww second chance? I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted!"

J: "I'm sorry I am not rushing you into anything I just wanted to let you know my plans of pursuing you again if you will allow it!"

S: "Hmm well that's a first letting me know your plans before making an action. Because when we broke up as far as I remember you decided it on your own without consulting me!"

J: "I did it for a reason Sammie. I thought at that time that it is the best for us!"

S: " I wasn't saying anything bad. I was just stating a fact. Thank you for letting me know your plans. But my answer to that is no."

J: "Why are you giving a final answer now when we haven't tried it yet!"

S: " Jimin I am doing okay now. I am starting to get back my normal self. I can get to sleep without crying, I can go through a day without spacing out. I am starting to get my life back. I am starting to enjoy life again. Then you will tell me all of this and you just want me to say yes? Do I not have my own choice?"

J: " Of course you do I am sorry if you felt that way. And I am so sorry for causing you so much pain. We have both been in pain it doesn't mean that I made a choice to break it off before means I had it easy. It was also painful to me because I needed to make a choice to let go of someone I love the most. My reasons might not be acceptable but it is also not easy!"

S: " I understand your reason I really do. What is hard to accept is that you let go when everything gets tough and come back whenever it's convenient. I am tired of this emotional roller coaster we are in. Everytime that we try to work things out between us something happens that breaks us a part. And I think that destiny is already showing a sign that we are not meant to be together!"

J: " Don't say that. We make our own destiny. I promise this time I will hold onto you no matter what life brings us I will never let you go again! Just please give me another chance!"

S: " I'm sorry. For now I just can't!"

J: "I know it's hard I am not forcing you or anything. Please just thunk about it. I can give you all the time to think about it you don't have to answer now!"

S: "I'm sorry. Let us just be friends! Please let us just be friends!"

J: "I'm so so sorry for making you suffer again. Of course I would rather have you as a friend than not having you in my life at all!"

S: "Thank you for understanding!"

J: "It's okay. Well I better leave so you can rest we have a concert to do tomorrow! Goodnight princess!"

S: "Good night Oppa see you tomorrow!"

I left her room with a very heavy heart. It wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I was expecting that she would be happy with the news and will give me another chance.

But now I know the extent of pain I have caused her. It made her scared to try and fall in love again. But I wont give up. I will try and try to win her no matter how long or hard it takes.

She is worth it. She is worth every sacrifice. She is worth loving and fighting for. I regret the pain in the process. But I believe we can have a happy ending. It would just be a very rocky and bumpy road before we reach that place.



Jimin just left. My heart is still trembling I feel so nervous during the talk.

I am happy to know that his dating ban has been lifted but it doesn't mean that we need to continue the relationship. I am starting to be okay to live my life normally again.

I still love him and I know that would never change anytime soon. But going in a relationship with him I dunno.

All through out this relationship I got hurt repeatedly. I know he does too. But I am tired of constantly getting hurt. Sometimes I question why?? Why is it hard to be happy. Why can't it be simple for us.

Is it because were idols and we are constantly in the eyes of the public. We are also human with feelings. Why can't it be easy for us. It's not even the public that is giving us a hard time. It's ourselves our internal situation. And it's really tiring.

A part of me wanted to say yes to Jimin earlier because I love the person. But a part of me is scared. It's not easy to go through another pain and I don't think if I can still handle it if that happens.

I might be a coward or selfish but I think I deserve to protect myself. I just don't know. I am confuse on what I needed to do. All I know is that I don't want to get hurt anymore.

I tried to clear my mind so I can sleep. Tomorrow we will have another rehearsal just before the concert. I want my body and my mental state to be in good condition so I can give a good performance before our fans.

I check my phone and try to play some music so I can sleep.

*** chimmie***

BTS 8TH MEMBER Promise  (BOOK2) ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now