Someone will...

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Julian was bored. It wasn't that the party was boring...just that it was basic. Routine. Normal. Drunk teenagers, reeking of beer. About hundreds of body odours mixing together. The loud music and chatter. Couples making out and disappearing into the nearest rooms. Drunk people dancing on the table while others cheered them on. Puking sounds from the washrooms and loud squeaks from what Julian suspected was probably a bed and not rodents.

And because Julian was bored, he turned to the one person who could never bore him.

Wynter was definitely not bored. His eyes kept wandering around in interest, observing his own species slowly turning into animals. Some started laughing for no reason, some started crying and some simply went to sleep. In that second Wynter decided that he would never drink the vile poison they call alcohol. By never he meant Never.

Julian leaned his chin in his palm and stared at the other boy, smiling a little. With a flick of his wrist Julian downed the vodka in his cup.

It was funny how the one thing that you want with all your heart is the one thing that is so difficult to have. He wanted Wynter so much, it hurt. It hurt that he couldn't tell him the three words. They were simple and easy.

I like you.....then why were they so difficult to say out loud?

Wynter felt Julian's eyes on him. He was half tempted to just turn and kiss the other boy but he just sat still, eyes flicking from person to person.

His thoughts were loud...loud enough to drown out the voices that were threatening to break through and swallow him up. Wynter wondered if they were back because he wanted them back....he wanted them to convince him that he wasn't good enough for Julian. That he could never make Julian happy. Because Julian didn't seem to care that Wynter was this...broken....lost...person.

Julian tilted his head, smiling a little when Wynter's leaned back into his chair with crossed arms. Julian didn't know why he was smiling....maybe it was because Wynter was humming along to the tune of the song that was currently playing. Or maybe it was because Julian didn't know what else to do. He couldn't just look Wynter in the eyes and tell him he had feelings for him. He could only smile. And so he did.

" Guys! We're gonna do a hide and seek! Wanna come?" Ren appeared out of nowhere with Reagan piggybacking on him. She giggled and then raised her eyebrows at Julian in question-Did you tell him?

Julian didn't answer. He just stood up and nodded " Sure. It's been a while. wanna come? It'll be fun"

Wynter got to his feet hesitantly " I don't know....we aren't kids anymore. Hide and seek?"

Julian let out a laugh and stepped towards the other boy " Let's be kids for a while....our future won't allow it again."

A few minutes later when they were seated in the basement, Aaron Dexter was explaining the rules while his twin Aiden was busy hitting on everyone who had walked in. Before he could direct another one of his horrible pick up lines at Wynter, Julian put a hand on his shoulder and pushed Aiden away from the dark-haired boy gently.

Aiden just grinned " What?"

" No" Julian answered calmly, ignoring the drill of the dark-haired boy's eyes into the side of his head.

" O......kay!" Aiden smirked and wandered off towards Janelle who replied to his pick up line by smacking his head and warning him about how she would shave off his eyebrows next time. He pouted and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled slightly and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

" If he likes her...why is he flirting with other people?" Wynter asked Julian in a low whisper.

" For attention. She hasn't said yes to him and it's been three weeks since he asked her out. Janelle says she just wants to be friends with him but Aiden knows she's lying....he'll always see through all her lies and facades...."

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