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Hey yall!!!

I know....I know you wanna know why Julian was crying. And you will...
Patience grasshoppers!

Also I have been receiving tremendous support from my readers. Your votes help me gain confidence to write more. And to everyone who has added this book to their reading lists, thankyou for liking and appreciating this story. I will eternally be grateful to you all for making me feel like my writing is worth something.

Feel free to point out plot mistakes or grammatical errors. Constructive criticism helps a lot.

Love you guys!!!
Keep on living xx

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Wynter didn't trust this Reagan girl. Sure, she had Julian wrapped around her finger but Wynter would never let his guard down around her. He was different from Julian. Wynter had met Reagan about three days back when Julian had video called him from the 'diner down the street'. She had waved at him with a small smile on her face as she munched on her cheeseburger. He had tried to be as polite as possible even though he could see that Julian was letting her drink his milkshakes. Mr. I love my two milkshakes and won't ever share....was letting her drink his milkshake.

Wynter knew that Julian had come out to him but he wasn't sure if Julian was gay or bisexual or pansexual even. Somehow he had forgotten to mention that. And unless Wynter knew for sure that Julian wasn't into girls, everyone who was allowed to drink Julian's milkshakes would be a threat to him. Why would they be a threat? He didn't know the answer to that...but if anyone did know then he'd gladly pick up their call and talk for hours.

" and Jules are gonna swing by the drive-in theatre tomorrow evening. Come along?" Reagan grinned.

The three were sitting on the bleachers, waiting for Ren to be done with track practice. Julian and Reagan had been chatting non-stop since the past ten minutes about a new movie that was going to come out and Julian had unsuccessfully been trying to get Wynter to join in their talks.

" Jules?" Wynter scowled at the nickname, shooting a glance at Julian who was looking at him blankly.
" Yeah. It's cute isn't it?" Reagan gushed leaning into Julian's side.

" Whatever" the dark-haired boy shrugged, looking away when Julian smiled down at her.

Julian frowned when Wynter stood up abruptly. He didn't even get a chance to talk to him before Wynter threw on his jacket and hurried away, practically jogging down the bleachers and back towards the school building.

" What's his deal?" Reagan asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Watching as Wynter ran a hand through his hair and pushed past a group of friends roughly.

" I don't know....I'll check on him. Reagan...why don't you ask Ren to give you a ride home?"

Reagan nodded with a pat on his back " Yeah. Now go before he disappears to god knows where"

Wynter pushed his way through a group of friends, ignoring their protests he walked towards the parking lot. A hand landed on his shoulder " Wynter"

Julian was breathless. He had run all the way from the bleachers to the parking lot in about eight seconds. He wondered if he could beat Ren in a race. That thought however was at the back of his mind. His currents thoughts were all related to the dark-haired boy standing in front of him.

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