...you'll be alone.

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A/N: I hate this chapter...I wrote it when I was super stressed so it has horrible descriptions and lacks essence and...just please read it and tell me if I should edit anything.

My parents gave me a deadline to finish this book cuz my finals are coming up so T~T.....
Please Vote. Comment. Share. Follow. Love ya!

Julian sat on the couch. His mom sat beside him, while his dad occupied his favourite armchair. Neither of them said a word. Julian felt his mother squeeze his shoulder in encouragement, asking him to speak out. Letting him know that she would listen.

" I'm gay," Julian started, " I know it's hard for you both to accept it...but it's the truth. Being gay...it's not a choice. I didn't get to choose who I want to be attracted to. And my feelings, they cannot be changed. Being gay...it's not a disease or a malfunction. You're my parents...and I love you both and I thank you for all that you've done for me over the years. But you have to know that this is permanent. I refuse to pretend that I'm attracted to girls. If I do I'll just be lying to myself all my life. And that is the real sin. Lying to yourself. I really want you to understand. Please give me a chance. Give this a chance"

There was silence for a few seconds and then his mother spoke.

" It won't ever be the same again...but I will try my best. I love you Juli...but it hurts that there will always be people who are going say horrible things about you—"

" Mom. I've learnt to deal with it. People will always have something to say. It's just how the world works"

" I love you baby. And I'm sorry about..." his mom trailed off with a painful smile on her face. She kissed his head and ruffled his hair " I'll do my best"

" Thank you" Julian smiled.

He looked at his dad whose eyes were on the floor. His father stood up suddenly " Okay. But I hope you know that I'm still not happy about this. But if this will keep you happy then alright I guess"

" Thank you" Julian said earning a nod from his dad.

A few minutes later he was in his room on the phone with Ren.

" I'm so proud of you!" his cousin said, his words almost undecipherable because of the pizza slice stuffed in his mouth. The whole slice...

" Communication is key I guess...huh? Anyway...Ren, I don't think Ashlynn -"

" I'm sorry. Who? That chick was using me for her own sick amusement. She likes to see guys pine after her. It's sick as fuck. She told me she was developing feelings for me. But today after practice I went to the old biology lab to find my reference books. And she was there sitting on the counter. You know Tyler Peterson? He was literally knelt down between her legs—"

" Too much information. I didn't need to have that image in my head" Julian whined disgustedly. He definitely didn't need details about someone else's sex life. Especially if that someone else was his cousin's ex-crush.

" Stop being a kid Julian. I was the one who saw it. You're just hearing about it" Ren grumbled.

" ....so what did you do?"

" What do you think? It was free porn so I just stood there and watched—"

" Fuck's sake Ren..."

" I just went away Julian. Did you want me to join them?" Ren asked, exasperation evident in his voice.

" Yeah," Julian snorted, " As if that could ever happen...I bet you were blushing for like three hours after that"

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