Haruhi and Kanako eventually stopped practicing and Haruhi led the girl to a table that already had tea and some snacks prepared.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to practice with you. I really appreciate it." Haruhi praised with a small, grateful smile. She was standing beside the table Kanako was seated at with her hands behind her back.

"Oh, no problem. I heard that you're not seeing any customers today so that you can practice dancing along with your sister." Kanako revealed, stabling her elbows on the table and using her hands as a head rest. "I'm glad I got to spend this time alone with you."

Y/n closed her book with a small sigh, deciding that she did enough reading about the waltz. She got up from the chair she was sitting on and approached where Haruhi was standing alongside Kyoya, who just walked towards the table.

"Oh, my! This is a new tea set, isn't it? It's Ginori." Kanako inspected the chlorophyll green, gold, and white colored teacup that she has picked up.

"Ginori?" The two Fujioka siblings questioned, lightly sweat dropping at the unknown phrase.

"You have a keen eye, mademoiselle." Kyoya commemorated Kanako's intelligence and recognition of the unique, green colored teacup. "In fact, we just received them yesterday. We decided that it was about time for the club to upgrade its tea sets."

"I see. What a pretty color. Lovely." Kanako looked down at the teacup with fondness in her soft, light brown eyes. Without anyone noticing, Tamaki snapped out of his downcast state and looked towards Kanako from where he was sitting with small, stunned lilac eyes.

"Wow, you must really be into tableware." Y/n commented with a sociable smile.

Kanako quickly placed the teacup down onto the small table and rattled a small blush onto her cheeks. "Not really. I mean, no, of course I'm not. What ever would give you that idea?" She smiled anxiously, gingerly sweat dropping.

"Uh... Well, you seem to know a lot about it, and the way you were admiring that teacup sort of made me think that you liked that kind of stuff." Y/n explained in a small sheepish tone for assuming something that Kanako was denying, but she knew that the girl had an obvious passion for it but was just trying to hide it.

All of a sudden, the door to the clubroom opened, announcing that someone has just entered the music room. "Hello, I'm here with the new teacups you ordered." A young mans voice sounded through the room as he closed the door and walked further into the music room.

"Ah, thank you very much." Kyoya acknowledged while approaching the boy. "Every item that you've chosen for us has been extremely popular with the ladies. I'm quite impressed."

"Well, that's good to hear." The boy smiled softly at Kyoya's words, holding a bright yellow box in his arms. He seemed to have been a high school student, considering he was wearing the school uniform, but instead of the true blue-purple blazer, he had a pale yellow sweater over his white, button up, dress shirt.

"So, do you sell tea sets?" Haruhi asked while her and her younger sister walked towards the boy.

"No, I'm just a regular student. Can't you tell by the uniform?" The boy smiled and handed out the box he was holding to Haruhi when she motioned for him to pass it over to her so she could carry it.

"Ha-ha-ha! Oh, Haruhi, you're so funny. Ha, ha!" Kanako suddenly let out a forced giggle, making Kyoya, Haruhi, Y/n, and the delivery boy turn their attention to her. "I can't blame you for not knowing. After all, he doesn't really look like an heir to a first-class company." She turned herself around to face the four students, a trivial smile on her lips.

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