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Bzz, Bzz, Dream woke up to the sound of his phone ringing multiple times, he was too tired and tried his best to simply ignore the annoying hum radiating from his phone, but it seemed no matter how hard he tried the buzzing wouldn't stop, it was confirmed there was no way that he was gonna fall back asleep. Dream now fully awake, grabbed his phone and looked at all the notifications he had received. He now understood why the buzzing didn't stop. '53 missed calls from George', '34 missed calls from Sapnap'. Dream just sat there, staring at his phone, why had they called so many times? What was happening? Was someone hurt? Dream was nervous, scared something bad had happened, but he found enough courage to call George back. "Hel- '' Dream was cut off by the voice on the other side of the line. "WHY THE FUCK WERENT YOU ANSWERING" George screamed through the phone, filling his room that was dead silent moments ago with noise "I- I'm sorry...." he didn't know why George was so mad the best he could do was say sorry he assumed.

"What happened, are you okay? Is Sapnap okay?" Dream was scared at this point, hearing how angry George sounded kept running through his head. "Yes, we're both fine and I'm sorry for raising my voice, I shouldn't have yelled" "me and Sapnap were just scared, you haven't replied to our messages or calls since Wednesday" Dream could now hear the apologetic tone in George's voice, he could also tell just how worried he was. Dream liked the fact that he could tell how George was feeling just by just hearing his voice. He snapped back into reality by George asking if he was still there. "Uhm, yeah sorry I'm here" "okay good, Dream are you okay?" "you just you haven't seemed like yourself lately"

"Oh, Uhm yeah I'm fine" Dream knew that was a lie, he just hoped George wouldn't know. 

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