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                                           Dreams POV

"George, stay here. I'm gonna get you a blanket and some more pillows." "Okay." Dream left the room to go get blankets and pillows from the closet.

"Sapnap" "Oh hey Dream" Sapnap was laying on the guest bed, under the covers scrolling on his phone.

"Dream you good?" "Yeah i'm fine, why?" "I don't know dude, but your blushing really hard" fuck i thought the blush went away.

"O-oh, uhm well the air mattress has a hole in it" Dreams voice was shaky, knowing what Sapnap would say if he told him that him and George were gonna be sleeping in the same bed.

"Oh, while where is George gonna sleep?" "U-uhm, my bed"

"WHAT" Sapnap was practically screaming.

"Sapnap be quiet, George is gonna hear you" "sorry, but what, that's perfect."

Sapnap had a huge smug grin spread across his face, which started to annoy Dream, considering how he was freaking out.

"Sapnap, I'm freaking out! Stop smiling"

"Sorry Dream, but come on getting to sleep in the same bed as your crush ooooo" "I shouldn't have told you" "Dream listen, you'll be fine, just calm down."

"Dream?" fuck it was George, he forgot he was grabbing the stuff.

"Coming George" Dream was already at the closet.

he quickly grabbed the stuff for George to sleep.

"Here, i'll set up the bed" "Dream stop, you can't do everything for me"

"Why not?" "Because, i'm not a baby"

"You could be my baby."


Georges POV

What the hell. God Dream needed to stop, he doesn't know what he's doing to me."

"Dream stop" George hit Dreams arm clearly embarrassed.

"Come on George, you know you like it" Dream was grinning having a fun time while George was dying. "Dream your not funny"

Dream walked up to George towering over him, putting a finger under Georges chin and lifting his head up so they were locking eyes.

"D-Dream stop"

What the hell, oh my god, only if Dream knew how right he was, he really did want to be Dreams baby.

"Fine" Dream took the blankets and pillows he earlier grabbed from the closet and set up the bed.



If anyone has any tips to write stuff like this (flirting type stuff) please comment i could use the tips haha. anyway thankyou for reading and thankyou for 79 reads!!! make sure to check back soon for the next chapter :)

does anyone want a word count? and i was thinking of maybe doing more 500-1000 word chapters so let my know!!

my tiktoks- @faking_throughit     my main-uh.sara.t

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