self sabotage(10)

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A/N      sorry it took so long for this chapter, i just didn't know what to do for it,  and i have more of a serious story line or plot for the book soon so stick around. anyway enjoy :)


Dreams POV

He woke up and looked over his shoulder, realizing George had already left the bed, he was a bit disappointed to say the least.

He picked up his phone from the nightstand, and checked the time "11:30 AM fuck" how was it already almost noon. He decided to get up and get ready, even though he wanted to stay in bed all day.

Dream got up and grabbed a white t-shirt and grey sweats. He walked to the main bathroom to have a shower. He got undressed and started the shower.

He felt his body getting engulfed in the warm water, feeling his body and mind relax before he was taken out of his relaxed trance crkkk. "Hello??"

Dream heard the bathroom door opened, he knew you could hear the water from the shower from outside of the bathroom, so who would just come in anyway?

"Dream?" "George get out I'm showering" why was George in there, what was he thinking.

"Calm down Dream, you're behind a shower curtain" "i'm still naked in here, can this wait till im done?" "No Dream, we need to talk about last night."

last night? What happened last night?

"Oh, uhm sure, what about last night?"


Georges POV

Dream was there, naked standing less than a foot away. Stop George this isn't important, your just friends, friends can be in the same room while one showers, right?

"George?" how long had he zoned out.

"Oh sorry Dream"

"it's fine, what did you need to talk about though."

Did he not remember last night?

"U-uhm last night, do you not remember?" it hurt George, all he could think about was last night, how he held Dream in his arms, did it really mean nothing to him.

(quick POV change to Dream)

What was George talking about? What happened last night? He was worried now, did he forget something important? He didn't want to hurt George's feelings.

(Back to Georges POV)

"Dream last night I- uhm put my arm around you while we were sleeping, i just wanted to make sure, everything between us is okay."

"Oh uhm yeah, we're fine" "O-okay."

It really didn't mean anything to Dream. No im just overreacting, we were sleeping in the same bed, maybe he's just a touchy person, yeah i'm overreacting it was nothing.

"George, uhm can you leave now?" He said it more as a statement than a question.

"Why does me being in here bother you so much?" "U-uhm because i'm in the shower" he sounded more annoyed now.




Dreams POV

Fuck, he really messed up this time. "Why did i say that" "what the hell"

He knew he hurt Georges feelings.

Dreams head was pounding, his eyes started to burn, he was crying.

God why am I crying, I hurt George it's my fault, he's going to hate me I deserve it though, god if I just tell him I love him this will all go away. No no you're just friends. you're straight Dream? God that shouldn't be a question, but it was.

"Dream?" it was Sapnap standing on the other side of the door, he sounded mad. "What, Sapnap?" Dream couldn't deal with this right now.

"What the hell did you say to George!?" His voice was just under a yell, clearly George had already told him.

"Seems he already told you"

"No he didn't, but he ran downstairs crying! And he wont talk to me" Dream felt bad, he didn't mean what he said, he was just stressed and George wouldn't leave him alone. Still I shouldnt of reacted like that.

"Sapnap just leave it, i'll apologize later" "Dream you can't just apologize, he was balling his fucling eyes out."

God was Sapnap just trying to make him feel worse?

"Dream" his voice was quiet now. "You've been acting weird ever since we got here, are you okay?" "I was diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks a week before you guys got here, I-I just haven't processed it"

"O-oh im sorry Dream, you should of told us, i'm always here for you, remember that"

"Thanks Sapnap" "of course,I always got your back buddy."

"Okay Dream i'm gonna go talk to George just think of a way to apologize to him" he heard Sapnap walking away.


sorry but does anyone want a word count??

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