A hard night(1)

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(A/N) sorry I know these are annoying i'll try and keep it quick :)   

I will update as much as I can and as fast as I can. if you enjoy please check back too keep up with the story. Please leave comments !!! I like to know what you guys think. If you enjoy consider voting and following me?  + follow my fanfic tiktok, its to promote this story    

@faking_throughit   and my main account uh.sara.t. sorry i know authors notes are annoying but onto the story :)))

Dream had woke up in a cold sweat, he was breathing normally and hadn't remembered having a dream or....a nightmare. He sat there sitting criss-cross on his bed, his elbows resting on his knees while his face rested in the palms of his hands. It felt like he had been sitting there for hours, although he knew, it had only been seconds. He then reached for his phone charging on the nightstand next to his bed. "Fuck" Dream muttered to himself in some form of a whisper, it was 3 AM, on the dot. Dream sat there for another minute or two debating if he should go back to bed or just stay up. Even though he knew internally staying up was significantly the worse choice. On the other hand, he was afraid of what could be waiting for him if he went back to bed. After even more time of Dream just sitting there staring blankly, head empty, he checked his phone again, the time read '3:19 AM', how had it already been 19 minutes since he had last checked the time, it only felt as if it had been seconds. He again thought for a few seconds before finally deciding to go back to sleep.

A/N- ik that this chapter is short i just wanted to get something out.

faking my way throughOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora