Creating, and Protecting the Shifters

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Apollo's POV

Ok. My sister has officially lost it! But she does still have a point, I mean wasn't it about time there were beings who could maintain a balance among all the realms? It would sure solve a bunch of our problems! That was pretty much the only reason I agreed to go against Zues, again.

Anywho, now that I'm in the clearing its time to get this party started! I cleared my throught, it's haiku time!

"My sis. is crazy,

but this plan is amaze,

lets get to work here!"

I ended with a bow after my awesome haiku, but everyone else just groaned. They just can't handle all this awesome!

"So Arty lets get this party started!" I said, grinning brightly. I looked around to see who all she had invited. There was Athena, interesting she had almost never disobeyed an order, Hermes, no shocker there, Hephastus, not to surprised to see him either as he spoke up for Artemis' plan, Demeter, Posiedon, Hades, didn't expect to see him at all, and of course Hecate, kinda needed her to do the magic mumbo jumbo.

Arty stepped forward taking charge. "First we need to figure out who the six will be." She said getting right to the point. Always so serious!

"How will we do that? They are not even born yet." Athena replied. Being a know it all as usual.

"I will go and confront the fates, Zues dare not banish me as I control the mist." Hecate volunteered, "The fates are also quite nice to me, being the goddess of magic and all."

"Yeah, yeah we know, you have said this before, but only have a short amount of time so hurry!" Hermes interject.

Hecate merely rolled her eyes and then left in a flash. Next thing you know she's back, with none other than the fates themselves. "The fates will decide upon the six as they come. All we are required to do is create the 'formula' for them and the fates will take care of the rest making adjustments as need be." Hecate announced.

"Ok then." I said getting excited, "Let's get to work!"

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