Welcome To Camp

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Nala's POV

By the time the blond guy picked up my feather weight body, I was completely exhausted from trying to keep the fire contained in my fragile mental state. Having a can do attitude and keeping your emotions in check are everything with my abilities. So the moment the fire was completely out I passed out cold, lowered my heart rate, and stopped all brain activity, it's how my body repairs itself. I was about to come out of my restoration when something stopped me and actually put me in a temporary comma.

Next thing I know I am coming too in some sort of infirmary. I get up feeling extremely weak. Someone runs up and catches me before I hit the floor. "Whoa there!" the girl said sitting me back on the floor. "You're at Camp, a safe place for us and you were out and in critical condition when The Seven got here. Will stabilized you but you need to rest!"

Great, just great. So pretty much to sum up my current situation I am in a place I don't want to be and I'm in pain barely able to move because some idiot didn't give me proper medical treatment.

The burden I felt that came with my abilities seemed to grow tremendously with every passing day, even more so ever since I found out that I was at Camp Half-blood. The girl was still talking but I ignored her, got up despite my bodies protest and headed out to find some food.

It was late in the day and it looked like everyone was gathered at some sort of dining pavilion, bingo.

When I got there some blond kid was being chastised by a dude named 'Will.' I got super mad. It is one of my top annoyances when people try to get kids to grow up faster, it's like cheating them out of the best time of their lives! I'm not really sure what I said but I started shouting at him, thank goodness I was too weak to light myself on fire that would have been embarrassing. When I was finished yelling there was a satisfying silence and a look of pure regret on Will's face. I smirked in victory when the kid Will had been yelling at spun around to face me. Both our eyes widened as we simultaneously yelled, "YOU!"

I took three steps back in shock. It was Sunshine boy from my episodes! He was complete with his bright blue eyes and a look of pure mischief. I didn't know how to react, so I slapped him.

Thinking fast I realized that everyone in the pavilion will be wondering how we know each other, and why I slapped Sunshine Boy. I couldn't tell them that I had been dreaming about him, and obviously him me, so I did what I do best lie. "That's what you get for all those stupid pranks you played on me while we were at the same school!" I yelled at Sunshine Boy. He looked confused at first but then his eyes widened with realization of what I was doing.

"I'm so sorry! I understand that I was really immature in first grade, I am sorry. " Sunshine Boy states going along with my lie, I have to admit he is good but not as good as me. I spun around without a word, picked up some food, and sat down at the Hephaestus table to eat. I heard Sunshine Boy doing the same.

When I finished eating someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a pudgy man in a leopard print shirt and exercise pants and shoes though this guy didn't look like he had worked out a day in his life. One sniff out him made me realize that this was Dionysus with his distinctive godly grape smell. Dionysus said, "Come with me." I paled and followed figuring that compliance was a better option than getting forcibly turned into a dolphin. I noticed that Sunshine Boy was with us to. I already had a hunch on what he was but that was yet to be determined.

Dionysus took us to a big blue farm house near the center of camp and escorted us inside.

"Mr. D, please I..." Sunshine Boy started, only to be cut off with a wave off Mr. D's hand.

"Sit you two no worries I'm not planning on punishing you, if I did Artemis would never forgive me!" Mr. D said flatly. I remained standing my question still not answered. Mr. D seemed to read my mind as he said, "No worries Nala, I'm not planning on turning either one of you over to Zeus. I think he is being an idiot and that you guys might be our last hope." I smile and sit down content for the moment.

Sunshine Boy on the other hand was insanely confused. "Whoa, wait a minute!" he said holding his hands in a timeout gesture. Wow he didn't know anything about our kind. "What do you mean report us to Zeus and that we might be your 'last hope'? I don't like the sound of that..."

I looked over at him feeling sorry that he was in the dark. "I will explain everything later." I tell Sunshine Boy. I then turned to Mr. D and asked, "Why did you drag us in here?"

"Two quick reasons," Mr. D said, "First, avoid any more scenes like that one, you don't want any unnecessary attention." I nod my head in agreement and Mr. D continues, "Second, Artemis said to give you this, she said you would know what to do with it." I nod my head accepting a key from Mr. D's extended hand.

Sunshine Boy is still looking back and forth between us looking extremely confused. I smile remembering my first year after the change. I look at him and say, "Don't worry. I will answer all of your questions. Meet me at the Artemis cabin at Midnight tonight. I am like you."

"OK. Now that we are done here..." Mr. D says ad he moves to get up. "Wait!" I say, "How's your acting?"

Mr. D is now dragging a very confused Sunshine Boy and myself back to the dinning pavilion by our ears, per my request. He suddenly let go and flung us forward very quickly shouting, "Disturb my dinner again and you both will be insane dolphins!" Dang he is a good actor!

I struggle to my feet exaggerating my movements, making sure that my necklace doesn't show as I stumble back to the Hephaestus table. An 18 year old guy and a young boy who I assume to be Leo Valdez's son, he looked a LOT like Calypso, leaned over to introduce themselves.

"Hi I'm Hurley, yes like the motorcycle. I am your cabin leader. It's a pleasure to meet you, welcome to the Hephaestus Cabin!" the 18 year old said. I gave him a small smile and shook his hand.

"I'm Nala" I replied.

The Valdez kid looked toward me excited. "My name Sammy Valdez, like Leo Valdez my dad one of the seven. Anyway, my dad told me that you are a fire user to. That's sooooo wicked! And by the way what did Mr. D say to you? He hardly ever bothers to speak with people one on one, even to yell at them!" He said all in one breath. This kid has some serious ADHD, even for a half-blood! He is definitely related to Leo Valdez.. AHHHH there I go off track again, stupid ADHD!!

"Hey!" Hurley said, smacking Sammy in the back of his head, "You're going to overwhelm her!"

"No it's OK." I say smiling, it takes a lot to overwhelm me. "I went through the same thing with his dad. I'm used to it now and, Mr. D said that if we ever give him indigestion again with our fighting he would turn us into crazy dolphins."

Hurley, Sammy, and two other kids that I have yet to meet all busted out laughing.

"I think you're going to fit in here just fine Nala!" Hurley said, patting me on the back.

Phase One of my "How to Survive at Camp if I Ever End Up There" plan, blend in and appear somewhat normal complete. And as a bonus Phase Two, find another shifter, is also complete. Maybe camp won't be so bad after all...

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