Pain... Lots of Pain

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Ziggy's POV

I had just got out of my shift in the infirmary and was headed to my basic training classes with my friends, Nala, and well…. I'm not quite sure but there's others in that class too… I can almost guarantee there are two Ares girls… I think I pranked them once and it was painful…

Any-who, my ADHD and Dyslexia have been going nuts all day, probably because I am seriously pumped. No really, I can't possibly wait any longer for the training session with Nala tonight, because, WOW! Who knows what she can teach me about being a shifter?! I have a feeling she might not treat me the same as our last meeting, because the shock of meeting me might just have worn off of her. The shock hasn't worn off for me yet, but I don't really know Nala yet. I mean she probably knows all about me, between having more time to master her episodes and the fact that nearly everyone calls my personality an ‘open book’ despite my wonderful ability to lie like a son of Hermes.

The problem is, every time I have tried to get Nala's attention, she kind-of ignores me and keeps to herself. But I don't think she does it consciously, or does she? Ahhh! Never mind, here I am completely off track, AGAIN. Stupid ADHD!

I'm almost to the arena when Silena runs up to me and drags me away.

“So you know Adrian that Ares girl that we are always pranking?” Silena shouts as we run. “She is totally getting served by that new Hephaestus girl Nala!”

“What!?” I shout. I am actually excited to Nala in action considering Adrian is, well, a daughter of Ares and really hard to beat. Actually impossible for everyone in our basic training class. We show up to find an already growing crowd and four Ares girls unable to lay a single blow on Nala. Nala is jumping, dodging, and using the sheer force that the Adrian comes at her with against her. In seconds the fight is over Nala standing above Adrian in a fighting stance. I hear Nala whisper, “You done?” to Adrian. That’s where things get surprising. Adrian does something completely unheard of for an Ares camper, she concedes and says to Nala, “You deserve to train with the senior Ares and Athena campers.”

I swear my jaw hit the ground. First of all, Nala has some serious skill, she should not be in the basic training class. Secondly, what just happened, cause like seriously is Nala some sorta miracle worker, cause no child of Ares says that, let alone leave without blindsiding their opponent. And finally, what just happened? Both girls walked away smiling!

Silena and I chase after Nala, I want answers now.

“Hey, Nala. Wait up!” I call. Fortunately, she stops and turns to look at us.

“Yes?” She asked, always straight to the point with her.

“What… How… What just happened?” Silena blurted, her Athena part showing. Always looking for the answers that one.

I turned to Nala expectantly, waiting for her answer. She shook her head and said, “I just got some serious skillz.” And then she started walking away.

Silena and I followed her, not satisfied by her response. “I'm not going to just bare my life story, especially if you guys keep following me like lost little puppies.” Nala burst out while making a beeline to the forges. We kept following her despite the fact that Nala obviously wanted to be left alone.

“She's definitely a loner.” Silena said. I smiled I knew what she was doing. We like to try and classify new campers when they come in and see how much about their past we can figure out on our own.

“Yep,” I said. “Probably ran away from home.”

“There are definitely some relative issues there.” Silena responded.

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