I'm A What Now?

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Mark's POV

I felt a sting on my cheek, followed by another sharp pain. A boy's voice shouted, "What in Zeus' name do you think you're doing?!"

A girl responded, "Trying to wake him up. He is perfectly healed, has been out for a day, and I'm bored."

"What does you being bored have to do with anything?" The boy responded, sounding exasperated.

"The sooner he wakes up, the sooner you two can have your discussion, the sooner I can be entertained." The girl responded curtly.

I heard a slapping noise, and I had a feeling the boy had face palmed. The boy huffed and said, "I'm glad my struggles amuse you. NOW STOP SLAPPING MY PATIENT!"

The girl snorted, "What patient? I see a perfectly healthy fifteen year old in need of a good slap to wake him up."

I tried to move. I didn't really feel like getting slapped again. I slowly opened my eyes, only to blink repeatedly in order to process what I was seeing. Ziggy: a nonviolent, but mischievous, son of Apollo who often hid from Will in the strawberry fields, was throwing punches at the new girl. The new girl easily dodged the attacks while holding her hands behind her back. I sat up in confusion as the girl knocked Ziggy over after slipping behind him and giving a small nudge.

She turned to me and grinned. I leaned back because her smile was the living embodiment of madness if I ever did see it. She laughed at my reaction and gave a more genuine smile that suited her nicely. "Good, you're up!" She said, helping Ziggy stand.

Ziggy took one look at me before slouching and saying, "Great. Now my suffering can commence."

The new girls grin slipped back into the mischievous mad woman state. She bounded out of the room saying, "Good luck, Sunshine Boy!"

I turned to Ziggy, determined to get some clarification on what just happened. "What's going on?" I asked, swinging my legs off the cot.

Ziggy rushed forward and helped me stand. "You'll find out soon enough." He said, "And excuse Nala, she has several issues, most of which I have yet to diagnose. I'm pretty sure she's at least ADHD and bipolar."

Ziggy lead me out of the infirmary and started steering us toward the woods. I snorted and said, "Ziggy, no offense, but that was the worst explanation ever. Except for the 'new girl has issues' bit, that was spot on."

Ziggy laughed and said, "You have no idea. She is the most exhausting person ever!"

"You mind telling me why we are going into the forest?" I asked, getting slightly concerned as we had just crossed the tree line.

"Trust me." Ziggy said, suddenly becoming rather grim. "It's for the best."

I huffed in annoyance, but focused on walking. It was becoming more difficult the farther we ventured into the forest. Once Ziggy was sure that I wouldn't run away, he had stopped supporting me and instead led me deeper into the forest than I had been in my four years at camp.

We came to a small clearing where a pile of longs were sitting with a bag of popcorn. "She didn't..." I heard Ziggy mutter in disbelief, staring at the popcorn.

I was about to ask what he was talking about, when Nala waltzed into the clearing holding some more logs. Nala built the fire in seconds, setting it aflame with her hand before sitting back and munching on the popcorn. "Oh, don't mind me." She said, "I'm just here to enjoy the show."

I put a hand on Ziggy's shoulder. I had a vague feeling that he was about to throttle Nala. What is wrong with these two? I thought to myself, shaking my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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