Why Me

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Ziggy's POV

To say things just kept getting more confusing, would be the understatement of the century. Zeus knows what was going on in Nala's head! She was combating crazy with more crazy. She is actually nuts. The lunatic white haired man was going to kill us all if Nala kept this up! What are they talking about now, some doctor, cracks, space, and time? Suddenly, Nala and the man started walking away. What in Apollo's name is going on?

Nala looked back over her should and called out, "Z-man take Annabelle to the infirmary and give her a check-up, and Thalia, go save you hunters from the demi-god." She continued marching away with the crazy man.

I went and helped Annabeth stand. "My names not Annabelle." She muttered under her breath. I knew what she was doing. Annabeth is a daughter of Athena and she just encountered something she couldn't even fathom, so she latched on to the one thing she could understand, just like Silena.

I gave a low chuckle and responded. "Yeah, she knows. Nala just has a thing for nicknames. In the past four days she has called me Sunshine, Blondie, Z-man, and Zig multiple times."

Thalia started to lead us back, all while laughing her head off. "What's so funny?" Annabeth asked her face scrunched up in confusion.

Thalia spun around and walked backwards saying, "Nala is a unique individual. She enjoys confusing people, giving them nick-names, and out smarting crazy people. That is what just happened and to be honest, watching people deal with the crazy ball of energy that is Nala is extremely humorous."

I smiled at Thalia's description of Nala. I could tell that it was surprisingly accurate despite having only just met her. We continued on our uneventful trek back to camp in silence. As we exited the forest, Annabeth turned toward Thalia and asked, "What did Nala mean by 'go save your hunters from the demi-god'?"

Thalia nervously coughed into her hand and started to scratch the back of her head. "Nala may, or may not, have told Percy that he was to stay put." Thalia explained. "And she may, or may not, have instructed my hunters to, quote 'restrain him' in the Artemis cabin."

"WHAT!?" Annabeth shouted in my ear, leaving it ringing.

"Calm down, Princess! He should be fine, especially once he sees your safe." Thalia said, backing away from a seething Annabeth.

"Take me to him now!"

"Alright! I wasn't planning on taking you to Olympus, that's for sure."

I shook my head at their nonsense and helped Annabeth into the Artemis cabin. Percy was sitting in the middle of the room, bound and gagged to a rickety old chair. One of the hunters stood directly behind him, a shield raised and ready to knock him unconscious at a moment's notice.

Percy noticeably relaxed the second Annabeth stepped into the room. "Stand down and untie him." Thalia said to her hunters. They obliged, receiving glares from Percy the entire time. The second he was free he ran up and hugged Annabeth, thanking Poseidon that she was safe.

I decided to leave the couple alone since Annabeth was only shaken up from the ordeal. I ran up to the infirmary, knowing full well that it would be filled to the brim, in order to help out. I marched in confidently, dodging the injured campers in order to reach Will. "Ziggy reporting for duty, Will. Where do you need me?" I said, putting my hand up in mock salute.

Will turned toward me, a look of complete relief spreading across his face. "Ziggy, we have Mark from the Demeter cabin in a coma with multiple broken bones, but something is keeping me out. I need you to take a look at him while I patch up Lauren Stoll. I swear it's like father like daughter with the Stoll's!"

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