A Burden Shared

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Ziggy's POV

It was nearly midnight and I laid in bed thinking over everything that Latino Girl had said during our short conversation with Mr. D. I am like you. That part just kept ringing in my head over and over again. What did it mean?! I had a feeling I knew. I wanted to find out for sure, but I was also terrified of the truth.

I looked at my watch, 11:50. I better go and just hope everyone is asleep, the campfire had run long tonight and everone had gone to bed a mere twenty minutes ago. I was too anxious to even pretend to sleep. I crept out of the cabin making sure to keep quiet, just in case. I exit the cabin and start creeping toward the Artemis Cabin, which was easy to spot as it glowed in the dark. I noticed a dark figure standing by the door to the cabin. Dang it! Latino Girl got here before me. Speaking of which I should probably find out what her real name is. Once I make it to the door Latino Girl smiles at me while tossing her key in the air and catching it repeatedly, "Ready?" she asks.

I have no idea! I scream in my head. After another moment of mental preparation I nod my head and say, "Ok, but first I need to at least know your name so I stop calling you Latino Girl."

Latino Girl suddenly burst out laughing so hard that she fell on the ground clutching her stomach. "I'm sorry but the nickname you came up with for me was Latino Girl!?" She says in gasp still trying to catch her breath, only to burst into another fit of laughter.

I turned red from embarrassment and said, "Well I am going to go ahead and guess that you came up with a nickname for me too, so you can stop making fun of me!" I crossed my arms and waited for Latino Girls response.

She stood up, brushed herself, and gave a lopsided grin before saying, "I wasn't making fun of you, I just thought it was funny." I stood frozen, shocked by her response. I thought that Latino Girl was going to be a mean, tough bully from all the episodes I have had seeing her fending for herself and being sarcastic, but here she was being a nice, humorous, friendly person. Latino Girl continued, "My real name is Nala, and my nickname for you is just as cheesy, Sunshine Boy."

"Huh." was all I managed to respond with, my mind working overtime to process what I just heard.

"So can I have your name now..." Nala asked, making a 'move it along' gesture with her hand. Geesh, she has no patience!

"It's Ziggy." I say shaking her hand.

"Well it is a pleasure to finally meet you Ziggy. Now do you want some answers?"

I nodded my head vigorously saying, "You bet, I am tired of being in the dark!" Nala smiled at my reaction and opened the door. She led me to the back of the cabin, which was full of silver bunk beds and hunting supplies, to a locked door. Nala pulled out the key that Mr. D had given her. It glowed in the dark and I now noticed that the key was so beautifully engraved and crafted that it looked more like a talisman that a key. Nala had barely placed the key in the lock when the door swung itself open. I stepped back in shock, but Nala looked like she was expecting this to happen.

Nala immediately stepped through the door and began to climb a set of stairs just inside. I paused. I felt that if the great and mighty Ziggy climbed these stairs there would be no turning back.

As I emerged from the stairs all I could do was gasp.

Nala was spinning around a nearly insane grin spread on her face. "It looks just like the plan I asked Artemis to use!" Nala exclaimed, smiling even bigger if that was even possible.

"Wait you designed this?!" I exclaimed walking around to get a better look. The Artemis cabin had a huge second floor. The stairs came up in the back left corner of the room. Right behind the stairs on the back wall there was a huge array of practice weapons along with a strange assortment of watches, pens, and jewelry that I highly suspected turned into celestial bronze weapons.

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