Part 6 Comparisons

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The book ended there, and my heart sunk weighted in my chest. A sickening weight turned in the pit of my stomach. I understood her so much. I felt connected to her. Not just because I read her thoughts and stayed in her home, but because she represented me in so many ways. She lived on the run and always looking over her shoulder.

It made me wonder about the other ways we might be alike. We looked nearly identical which explained most of why they chose me. Before getting sucked back into the journals I decided to pursue one of my other curiosities. Certain the two didn’t intend to hurt me made me brave enough to pursue answers. I knew where one of them currently resided, a few doors down.

Everything echoed with silence, to the degree the quiet almost possessed its own identity within the house. He must still be in his room. I knocked on his door, and it cracked open. A pair of emerald eyes greeted me and a smirk which gave me butterflies. “Pussycat, what brings you out to play?”

He remained shirtless, wearing nothing but grey sweats, a backwards baseball cap, a chain and tattoos. He embodied tastiness. All golden and chiseled. He made Rex look like a slob. He made most men look like a slob.

He opened the door the rest of the way, leaning against the frame. I loved the way it stretched all his muscles taunt. He didn’t seem capable of so much deviousness. Maybe Vicki secretly had severe mentally illness and dreamt it all. Her paranoia and obsession definitely pushed the limits of sanity. “Did you finish the books so quickly?”

“No but I needed a break. I was thinking about food but didn’t want to eat by myself.”

He licked his lips while looking at me, like he already tasted me. “What did you have in mind, little girl?”

“I’m not a little girl.” I stomped putting fists on hips. I didn’t like being chided least of all by someone I knew to be guilty of so much.

He learned in close to my face, “No?” I didn’t flinch or back down. I held my head high. Pride all that remained. “You’re feisty. I like that.” His voice resonated smooth and deep, and this close he smelled amazing. Something about him conflicted all my senses and reasonings, leaving me with a residual feeling annoyance.

I grabbed his face and pulled his lips to mine. I devoured his mouth wanting to see if he would stay so cocky. He expertly explored my mouth. His arms were immediately around my waist, gripping me in a possessive way I loved. He pulled me closer and out of the hallway into his room. I pushed a hand against his chest to stop him.

He backed down glaring at me, while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Don’t toy with me pussycat. You will regret it.” His voice dripped with desire and something darker.

“Food!” I reminded, and he nodded.

“Oh, you had a real meal in mind? I didn’t realize. I thought you just wanted a taste of me.” He smiled with intentions they made my flush bright red.

“I did get a taste. Now I need a meal.” He cocked an eyebrow at me.

“Alright, you win. Let’s go, but I’m not cooking.” He walked past me towards the staircase, leading the way to the kitchen. I had a choice follow or get left behind. I followed.

I caught up to him just outside the kitchen, “Do you like sandwiches?”

“Are you making it?” He snickered at me.


“Then absolutely.”

We continued to play the same back and forth game as I made two sandwiches. I handed him one, took a seat on the barstool at the counter, and then asked the question I was dying to ask. “So what happened to Vicki?”

“I told you to finish the diaries.” We responded between bites.

“I only have the last one left.”

“Good, then we are almost ready to talk.”

“Where’s Josh?”

“He doesn’t matter right now.”

“Can I leave?”

“Yes. Do you really want to?” He cocked his eyebrow and gave me the same devious smirk that let me know he was capable of something worth experiencing.

“I just wanted to know more and hoped to get something from you. Can you tell me more about Vicki?”

“She isn’t really my concern.” He teased. I understood the meaning.

“What is your concern, Jake?”

He put the sandwich down and came over to me pulling me close to him again. “What would you like them to be pussycat? Do you like what you see? Did the things you read about me excite you?”

I kissed him again, because every word rang true. His attitude, his aura I couldn’t get enough. I liked his dangerous nature, my last relationship made that painfully obvious. On the barstool I sat almost at a perfect height, and I found my legs wound around his waist in a bat of an eye.

“I see you do want to play pussycat. I like that. I like that very much.” He mumbled against my lips and neck as his mouth traveled all over me aggressively nipping.

His touch set my skin on fire. He grabbed my legs which already circled around him and lifted me up. He carried me upstairs, taking them two at a time. I thought we were headed to his room which I wanted with the very breath from my lungs. Out of all the men in the world I turned away from this one intrigued me so much.

My feet replanted to the floor, and his exploration of me broken. My body mystified by his brief exploitation followed by immediate dismissal. Looking around I noted I’d been deposited outside my own door. “You, little pussycat need to finish reading before this goes any further, because if I claim you I won’t care anymore what choice you make. You will be mine. Besides, the books are only just starting to get good.”

I tried to hide my disappointment, but maybe he made a decent point. He had taken liberties with her backdoor because he couldn’t wait to have her. I sighed heavily, grabbing his arm as he began to walk away from me. “Please don’t leave me alone now. I… can you just… stay. I’m lonely and…”

“What? You want me to sit down and read the diaries to you?” He licked his lips again, which only made me question further what lay waiting in diary number three. “I don’t think that’s the best idea. It wouldn’t take much to go from reading to doing it, but please feel free to knock on my door when you’re done. That’s when I will be ready.”

He wanted me. I could feel the tension mounting between us, but he held himself back, for what? For what I might learn that would change my mind. I knew I wasn’t changing my opinion. I wanted him. I hadn’t been drawn to Josh in his prim and proper business wear, but Jake possessed a more devious feral side which seemed to call to the deepest parts of mine. What could I say the man fucking excited the hell out of me, maybe because he talked about revenge on Rex.

“Soon princess.” He grumbled kissing my forehead before turning away from me. The giant bulge in his grey sweatpants hid nothing and told the only tale I needed. At least I wasn’t alone in my misery.

I returned to my room and picked up the third book. The last remaining obstacle which stood between me and what I wanted. I hated how he left me so unfulfilled and wanting more. I hungered enough with yearning from reading which unsettled me tremendously.

I decided I needed to release some steam. I flipped through the 3rd and finally diary until I found a juicy part with Jake’s name. I read the date’s chapter rubbing myself all over while thinking of him, wishing the words on the paper were written by me. I pretended I could feel him on top of me, instead of just reading. I touched myself and moaned loudly, hoping against the odds it would make him come to me. The only one who came was me, before I picked the book back up and started to read again.

Pennington Princess *A Dark Romance*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora