Part 4 The Here and Now

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I wanted to be happy for her, but instead a part of me cringed deep inside. Throughout all my reading the description of people haunted me the most. The descriptions of the place, the people. I knew them. They left these journals for me. The duo walked me straight into her room innocuously referring to themselves as James and John. Not too much of a stretch. I wanted to know more, but I also knew I should leave.

Why do I keep getting myself in these situations? My prick cop soon to be ex-husband kept finding ways to have me arrested. I don't know why he remained so angry. He cheated and abused me. Even in a new city, the police knocked at my door a few days after the electricity turned on. He arrested me enough times to be considered a fugitive. Being married to a man like him certainly taught me to read between the lines.

I gathered the books, because one detail rang in my ears above all others. If she escaped these diaries wouldn't be in their possession. Yet another one existed unread, which eluded to an end. My curiosity perked. How did her story end? Every description of herself resounded a dead ringer for me. I wondered should I check her room for a picture. Maybe they were guilty of more than torturing this girl. Was I on the verge of being the next victim?

'James' came to see me about my case. He claimed to be a big shot prestigious lawyer. He sprung me from jail which added facts to his claim. He explained his decision to work some 'charity cases' most wouldn't to build his name in the community. He even offered a safe place to stay, where no cop would touch me. My name wasn't attached to anything here and no one even knew where I disappeared to. Knowing more I realized how much danger I placed myself in.

I went straight to the bedroom they assigned to me, which oddly possessed a regular knob. The rest held a panel which scanned palms to gain access. I found it interesting and very high tech. Now I worried I wouldn't be able to leave. I tucked the books into my arms and ran from the kitchen to my room. I quickly threw everything into the one large duffle along with the books. Maybe I could help her somehow, but I needed to know the rest of her story. Especially since it could end up being mine.

Tossing the bag over my shoulder, I quickly moved to the front door. I hadn't seen either of them today. Hence the reason why I grabbed the books. I never guessed I'd be running hours later. I thought things were finally going right in my life.

My mind raced further when I pressed my palm to the front door's scanner and nothing happened. I banged on the pad a bit to see if I needed to jar it, but it didn't help. I covered the back entrance next and tried the pad there. I received the same non-response from the second pad too. I checked around for other doors but also tried to remain as quiet as possible. The extra-large duffel didn't help. I kept bumping into furniture and getting more panicked.

I started checking windows, but none of them had any latches!

Panic took over and I really lost control. I dropped the bag. I just wanted out! And now. I picked one fancy heavy-duty dining room chair and threw it as hard as possible at the window. It only projectiled rebounding back at me like a missile causing more noise than an indoor band. I heard footsteps running. I thought about hiding but why. They must know it's me.

I only saw one tall blond man appear on the stairs. I didn't know them well enough to decipher which one stood before me, but once he saw I wasn't escaping he stopped running. He only wore sweats, tattoos, and a smirk. Without reading Vicki's journals, I would sprint towards him. He was built like a golden god of a man, all tanned with blond hair, and rippling muscles.

He continued walking towards me in a cocky manor. He radiated a certain dark cold aura that disturbed me. This must be Jake. Somehow knowing seemed more terrifying. He exuded a hardness and possessed a swagger which could only come from the streets. "What are you doing down here making all this noise pussy cat?"
The way he calmly spoke, eloquently pronouncing the words deliberately slow I know he played with me. "I think it's time for me to go."

He continued towards me slinking in a cat like manner. His movements were fluid. "Where are you going to go?" He paused for effect, giving me time to ponder. I didn't even know where they'd taken me, let alone where else I could go. "Aren't you about out of options? Do you know how much bail money my brother put up for you?" He proceeded forward while speaking until we shared the same space, and his cool aloof demeanor chilled me.

"That doesn't mean you own me."

"Who said anything about owning you? No one here will hurt you. We are offering you something different. If you don't want it, leave the diaries and I'll let you out myself. You just don't seem like you have much to lose." He never took his eyes from mine, and now he inched closer until his aura engulfed me leaving a lingering intoxicated feeling. If he reached out, he could easily grab me.

"What are you talking about?"

"A chance to be someone new?" His gaze burned hot, and his green eyes danced like venomous flames. I stood mesmerized by the gorgeous shirtless man in front of me trying to resist, a futile effort I didn't possess. The man radiated raw masculinity. He lifted my chin up with his index finger. "Someone who could have anything they wanted. Even revenge on an ex who makes their life miserable. Dirty cops exist on crime payrolls in every precinct."

He wore confidence like some men wore like cologne. I admitted living on the run presented challenges I couldn't face and a part of me wanted to hear more. Another part jumped with glee at the idea of Rex getting a taste of his own medicine. "Tell me more."

"Finish the diaries and we'll talk."
He brought his face close to mine, and I prayed he might kiss me. He just looked deep into me, as if trying to find some lost secret buried within. I couldn't move. I didn't know if fear or lust motivated me, but he intrigued me. "Jake." I whispered looking into his eyes.

He smirked, running a thumb across my bottom lip. "You're smart. I think I like you, Princess." Then he turned and walked away. He disappeared back up the stairs where he came from leaving me dumbfounded and full of questions. Continuing to read my only means of obtaining my desired answers.

So, I grabbed my bag and carried it back to my room. I removed the diaries from it placing them on the bed. I picked up where I left off but remembered something else. I went to her room to scan for photos. I didn't think to look before when they said it used to be their sister's old room.

The dresser only held one picture frame. I picked it up, and the girl in the photo looked a lot like a younger version of me. I wasn't a perfect match, but close enough to give me chills. I returned to my room the unease and excitement a nauseating combination. Too curious for my own good I continued the story. I curled into the bed reopening the book. What else did I have to lose?

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