Part 5 Her Downfall

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Sept 10, 2015

Is it possible that life can feel too secure? Too perfect? I am beginning to wonder.

Life with Carter couldn't be better, but I don't know what to do with that. I hadn't went looking for trouble. I avoided the twins, even on their birthday. Even out of morbid curiosity on my part. I tried to leave that chapter behind me. You can imagine my surprise when I literally bumped into Josh at work. It had been more than a year.

He wore a suit, and it looked amazing on him. He filled out. He embodied the epitome of masculinity even more. His broad shoulders with rippling muscles could be noticed even through the navy-blue suit. He wore a white shirt opened at the collar. He looked like these clothes were made for him. He smiled at me and I literally melted me into a puddle at his feet. Is it weird I was downright giddy to see him?

My red curls cascaded down my back now. The eyes were still brown but more honey colored from the new contacts, but I switched to two-inch heels as opposed to the stilettos I preferred while bartending, which were more like 6-inches. I stopped tanning letting my skin return to its paler state.

He joined some co-workers meeting for lunch. He didn't recognize me as Vicki or Tori, but jokingly handed me his business card stating if I ever had any legal trouble he would gladly represent me.

He left me staring stupidly at his card while he joined his companions. He should have just graduated law school in May. Josh probably just finished his summer internship and passed his BAR Exam. These must be the men from his first Firm.

I found myself fiddling with his business card later. Staring at the flimsy card with his familiar handwriting as if it held all the answers. On the back he scrawled his cell phone number. I couldn't help myself. I texted him. I knew I shouldn't, but I really couldn't stop myself. I longed for the lost connection and needed to know more. Surprisingly I received a notification just a few minutes later.

He immediately asked, "Please tell me you're the red head from the restaurant, and I can help you in some way." I sighed. Who started conversations like that? We chatted for a bit via text. He was kind of funny and very charming. Nothing existed of the Josh who tormented me. I knew I shouldn't, but I set up a date with him. I scheduled it for a night I knew Carter would be at the bar late. Inventory nights for him always tacked on another two hours minimum.

I couldn't determine what wrongs resonated within me which made me crave him. I had everything with Carter. We would be married soon. We planned the event for next year. Yet I had this piece of my life which only caused me pain and I couldn't let go of that he knew nothing about.

What would happen if he ever found out? Would he hate me? Would he understand? Well he'd never understand me going out on a date with one of the same guys who caused a scene over me in his bar. Except it wasn't really a date to me, more of a fact-finding mission. One I couldn't ignore anymore.

Sept 21

Josh took me on the best date of my life, which I found disturbing in so many ways. We flirted back and forth, while I waited for an excuse for him to invite me to his place. I needed a chance to poke through their belongings and find out as much as I could before disappearing off their radar again. The older we all grew the more confident I became with them not discovering who I was accidentally.

I became an expert at hiding right in front of them. Just like in previous years, except now they didn't know where to eventually find me. Except I actively led one straight to me. I didn't care though. Literally running into him had to mean something. There must be a reason, and my determination took over desperate to find out more.

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