Dean "Hey."

Caitlin hugged me "Hey. Elena. Thanks for coming."

I nodded " Yeah. Sorry, um... you know, about your brother."

she nodded " Yeah."

Me "How you holding up?"

Caitlin" Crying a lot. Blaming myself a lot. Long story. Travis, he... After you left, he had a pretty rocky life. Drugs, couldn't hold down a job. I encouraged him to get help for years. Finally, he took my advice. Started therapy. It was great at first. It... It really seemed to be helping, and then..."

Me " Then...?"

Caitlin "His doctor started prying. About that winter... what happened here. Travis said he needed to face his fears. His doc called it "immersion therapy." To heal. He checked in to room 214."

Me " 214? Is that where he...?"

Dean "Well, look, whatever you need us for, we're here, okay? Help with the funeral..."

Caitlin " The funeral was last week."

Dean " What?"

I froze " I'm sorry. I thought you said..."

Caitlin "I know. I'm sorry. I needed to be sure that you would come."

Dean "Come for what?"

She didn't say anything. 

Me " Caitlin... Why do you want us here?"

Caitlin " I think she's back. You remember that winter, how it started. She came for Travis first."

in room 214.

Dean " Well, the coroner's report is open and shut. Travis's fingerprints were all over the broken glass."

Caitlin "I know how this seems... How I seem. But my brother, he wouldn't have killed himself."

Me "Well, I know they cleaned the place out already, but I looked everywhere. No symbols, no hex bags, nothing that's... our kinda thing."

Dean "Caitlin, I know it's hard, okay?But you said it yourself... that this "immersion" therapy was making things worse. Maybe coming here... sent him over the edge."

Dean shook his head "I'm sorry, Caitlin, but that thing, it's not here."

Caitlin "You've changed. Back then, you believed him, even before I did."

Dean " Well, this is different."

Me "Uh, Dean, we don't know what happened."

Dean "The thing preys on kids... only kids. Are there any missing or dead kids in town?"

She shook her head " No."

Dean nodded "Right. I know it's hard. But that has to be what happened, because that other thing, I killed it. I'm sorry."


I walked down the hallway and saw Dean on his knees. 

Me "Dean?"

No respond.

Me "Winchester? What are you doing?"

Dean stood up " She's right. Caitlin's right."

At a bar. morning. 

Dean "Caitlin, I'm sorry. I just... I didn't want to believe you"

Caitlin "I didn't have any proof. It was just... a feeling."

Being Alive ( D.W)Where stories live. Discover now