Let Me Return The Favor

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Weeks later. 

Jack and i were walking through the forest.

I drove a hand through my hair and put a hand on Jack's shoulder to support myself while walking. i was exhausted. 

Jack " Balthazar's army attacked, but we were ready. And then I... I killed him."

Me " And my dad ?"

Jack " Well, he'll be back in a few days with the people that we saved."

Me " How many?"

Jack " 30 at least. "

I nodded. 

Jack eyed me confused "You're not happy? This is the third battle in a row that we've won."

I sighed " Jack, I know. I... We're running out of space and supplies. And now with all those new people, I just...don't know how we're gonna take care of everybody."

Suddenly Jakob showed up "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."

Me "What is it, Jakob?"

Jakob " Just got word from the eyes outside Michael's fortress."

Me "And?"

Jakob " They're saying the angels, they're leaving."

Jack asked confused " Why would they leave?"


We looked at the church we had been held prisoners in. It was abandoned. 

Jack " It's all empty."

Me "You're sure?"

Jack "There are a few angels guarding the perimeter, but inside... they're gone."

Me "What is going on?"

Jack "Maybe...maybe he's scared."

Jakob " We've been fighting Michael the better part of eight years. There is nothing he is scared of."

Jack " He's scared of me. I'm winning."

Me " Jack--"

Jack " I think we should go, see if Michael left anything behind, something that can tell us where he's gone, what he's planning."

Me " It could be a trap."

Jack nodded  "It's all right. I'll keep you safe."


We walked into the church. 

Me " Jakob, take the others. Check the warding. Really hate this place."

Jack "Look."

We walked over to the altar. There was a war table war table with a map and plastic army men converging on one point.

Me "Well, those are Michael's armies."

Jack asked confused " Why are they all over there?"

I shook my head "I don't know."

Suddenly Jakob dragged in Kevin. 

My jaw dropped "Kevin?"

Kevin looked at me and bowed a little "my queen?"

I raised an eyebrow. 

Jack looked at me confused.

Me "I was Michael's lover in this world"

Jack nodded. 

Kevin "I'm-- I'm a prophet of the lord. I was serving God--"

Jakob "You serve Michael. Prophet here turned his back on own kind."

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