Before we get started

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Don't mind the picture lol *random*

So this isn't the start of the story yet I'm just tryna say some things to let you know before we get started into this story.

-y/n = Your name

-Noah Jupe *ofc*

-Some Tiktokers I will add as we go on with the story *you will find out why right now

-Josh Richards *your brother* also before you comment in disagreement read my comment I made

-Friends: Melody, Terry, Christian, Jose, Jenny, Jenna, Jayden, Mj, Lesyle, Tony, Anthony, Christopher, Evil (roblox friend), Alexa, Bryce, Millie, Jacob, and Brianna

*There's more but I forgot*

-This is a work in progress and I was inspired to write this story by abi_jupe tysm go read her story it's called "the boy from the hallway" it's an amazing story!

-I won't really be updating much because I have lots of work to do and only have time for like 4 hours on my phone so like 2 hours to think, 2 hours to write, the rest of my time I'm either studying, reading other stories to make my imagination work, doing school meetings, or eating, I only sleep for like 3 hours so that's why my imagination is not so we'll.

-I am making a few stories; this story, basically this story but instead with my name because it's kinda hard for me to think it's me but it says y/n instead of y own name, and stories about all the movies

-More updates coming soon!

-Story will start tmmr!

If your reading this I want to let you know that I love you so much and I hope you have a amazing day and get through what your going through and that things get better. 😊

 [READ DESC] Just My Type (A Noah Jupe X Reader Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora