Boogers :'(

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Oh yea I forgot to say, there was no baby shower-  😬, I guess you all wanted it to be a surprise until the actual day.


(Half of chapter by me and other half my my wonderful cousin!!)

"Well, it's a boy!" Mom said. "Ha now gimme my money" Josh said.
(You guys did a bet on if it was gonna be a boy or girl)

"Ugh fine" I say as I fish out 10 bucks out of my pocket and give it to him, which he snatches immediately.

"My poor fingers" I say. "Josh say sorry" mom says. "Sopa" Josh says. I glare at him. "Mom, do they have any vending machines here?" I ask. "Down the hall, get me a snack while your at it"

"mkay" I walk torwards the vending machine and in the corner of my eye I see a sign saying "Maruchan Noodles $0.75!!"

I immediately run torwards it and buy 5 and run to a sink and microwave to heat it up and eat.

"You gonna share?" Josh asks when I walk in. "Umm nah you can use those $10 dollars of yours and get a snack yourself mkay?"

"Ugh rude" Josh says dragging himself to the vending machine getting a snack. "And get mom a bag of goldfish!!" I yell.

A lady walks in holding a baby. "Here's your baby ma'am. Any thoughts on what your gonna name it?" She asks, handing mom the baby. "Hmm not fully sure, can I have some more time to think?"

"Of course, just let me know when you got it." The lady says, walking out. "Can I hold the baby mom?" I ask. "In a little yes" Josh walks in and places a whole load of snacks on the table.

I slowly hover my hand over to take a Chips ahoy bag. Sadly, he notices. "Get your own snacks!!" He says as he slaps my hand. "Ow!!" I scream immediately yanking my hand away.

"That's what I thought you robber" as he gets all his snacks and puts in his backpack. "Oh yeah here you go mom" He says as he gives mom a bag of Skittles.

"Okay here Y/n you can hold him now" Mom says as she hands me the baby. I gently grab the baby and hold it, it immediately sneezes on me.

"That's not nice.." I say handing the baby back to mom. "Aw man, this was my good shirt too" "HAH!" Josh starts laughing, making the baby cry.

"Joshua.. go outside with your sister and be loud out there. Even better, go pick a name for this baby while your at it."

(Joshua is Josh's nickname to mom)

We head outside and see Dad, smoking a cigarette.

"Didn't dad quit smoking..?" Josh asked "Yeah.. weird. But anyways the babys name is gonna be boogers, because he sneezed on my shirt."

"Who cares about your shirt"    "Everyone does".  "Well I don't". "ExCuSe Me?"  "You heard me, your excused" "oh so you really choose sassy?" "I guess I did" "ugh imma tell mom you've been on cod longer than 5 hours" I say running back inside. "No!!"

*Another hour of fighting later*

"What did mom say again?" I ask. "Umm I don't know something about a baby named boogers- Oh I got to go my friends are calling me I must answer they need me see ya!!" I say running to a bench.

*Answers call*
People in the call: Aaron, Nathan, Natalie, Leanna, Emily, Brieanna, Mj

Hey guys!
Is that a hospital your at?
Yeah my mom had the baby
Omg boy or girl
Give me my money Brienna
Y'all were betting too?
Hahaha yeah
Well damn who won?
Nathan, Leanna and Mj
Oh hah
But how much longer till it's all done?
Tbh I don't know
But all I know is a bit more than halfway done
Well hopefully you'll be back soon
Yeah I'm saving some pIxY sTiX for you :' )
Aww yay
Tell your mom we said hi
I will love you guys
Love ya too
*Call ends*

I head back inside the hospital into mom's room and see Josh trying to take one of my cup noodles and immediately slap his arm, leaving a literal mark on both his arm and my hand. "Ow" we both say.

"Ha you got hurt too. That'll teach you to hit me" Josh says laughing at my pain "Ok concrete arms just don't steal my cup noodles or I'll get a belt" I say warning him, suddenly scaring him.

"That's what I thought" I say getting my cup noodles and putting them in my bag. "Mom have you picked out a name yet?" Josh asks. "I thought you guys were choosing a name?" Mom asks confused.

"No we were just fighting about that subject, but I forgot why we fought anyways haha" I say. "Ah you kids, never get the job done" Mom says. "Just pick a basic name like Like or Henry or James" Josh considers. "But don't pick a minecraft hoodie name!!" Josh also adds.

(Sorry I just had to put that part in
Small author story: Literally every school year there was that one minecraft kid with the hoodie always on and idk y but they always smelled like they have never taken a shower in their life. Their names were always Miles, Joshua, and Kevin.

Also sorry I still respect you Minecraft hoodie ppl reading this or out there)

"What if he actually ends up being a minecraft hoodie kid?" I ask Josh. "DONT JINX ITT Y/N!" Josh suddenly says in fear. "Why are you so scared calm down before I'm the favorite sibling to whoever their name is" I say.

*Time skipp*

(Yea you guys got taken back to set)

*BaCk At ThE sEt*

Jk oofers I'm already like 2 days late because I forgot to post but yea :( See y'all next Tuesday or days later lol byeee!

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