Chapter 1: Leaving Home

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(A/N-Just so you all know, the gif to the right is Evie's father, just incase you were wondering)

You can't hate me for my decision. I mean, you would leave too if your parents hated you, right? Well, that's just how it was at my house. Constant yelling, and screaming, and slamming of doors. So tonight was my breaking point. My dad finally stopped yelling and just hit me right across the face. Now he would wake up and get his wish, because I would be gone in New York City.

I had always wanted to escape to New York. I wanted to either be on Broadway, or make it into the pop music business. Either way, I would live my dreams one way or another, and New York City was the way to get there. It also didn't hurt that I turned eighteen last month, so I was legally allowed to leave home.

I slammed my suitcase shut and walked out of my room quietly. My dad and I lived in an apartment in Cherry Hill New Jersey, so when the door shut, I heard my dad wake up. Figured this would happen, but I grabbed my car keys off the small table and kept walking towards the door. My dad scanned me head to toe, and gave me a dirty look.

"Where do you think you're going, Evie?" He asks, obviously drunk. I take a deep breath as I think of how to tell him I was leaving. My mother died in a car crash two years ago, so dad had to quit work and live with us, even though that was the last think he wanted.

"Dad, I'm leaving. This is what I have to do. I know you wanted me to go off and be a lawyer or a doctor or whatever, but I need to sing. Music is the only thing I don't fuck up, and-" I started to reply with, but he cut me off in anger.

"Now you listen to me! I have done nothing but give you everything you could have possibly wanted and now you are ditching me because your pig of a mother is gone?!" He yelled now standing up from his recliner.

"Don't you dare talk about mom that way!" I shouted back, pointing my finger in his face, then quickly retreating. I grabbed my bags and keys and ran out the door, then down the stairs. He chased after me screaming for me to come back, but I ran out the door and to my car. I popped the trunk open and threw my bags in their. I tossed my handbag onto my shoulder, then saw my dad running toward me. Panicking, I grabbed my phone out of my handbag and looked at it. Bye bye iPhone, I thought as I chucked it at my dad, and it hit him right in his face. I jumped into the car, turning the key and driving away out of the neighborhood. I was out of there for good.

As I was driving to the train station, I kept thinking about what my dad had said about my mom. My parents got divorced when I was just a little kid, but I thought he would be a little more sympathetic towards her death. Still, he hated her as if she were alive. I wanted her now more than ever. My mother would tell me that there was another way around this, and that I had to stay for my little sister Allison. But she wasn't here, so the only thought racing through my kind was Drive drive drive! Get away from here! Be free like you always wanted! If she were here though, I would just cry into her shoulder as she told me that one day it would all be okay. Now all I had was the road, and the sound of the radio.

And upcoming next is the new hit from One Direction, Kiss You!

I snickered at the announcers voice. One Direction, I used to be so obsessed with them, but after a while, the constant fan girling faded and I looked at them like I would anyone else. Still I liked their music and listened to it every once and a while. Still, if I met Harry Styles today on the street, I wouldn't scream like I would have like a year ago or so. Hell, I had been dealing with so much shit lately I wouldn't even know one of them if I saw them.

Once I was at the train station, I parked my car near the small pond that was there for architecture. I got out of my car, took out my bags and everything, then stared long and hard at the keys in my hand. I didn't need the car anymore, and I didn't want anyone taking the car keys. Not to mention this was my mothers old car. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I threw the car keys out into the pond. I was done with this small town, and I was done with this small town life. I was ready with the challenges of living on the city. Cherry Hill was always too little for my dreams.

"I'm so sorry mom." I whispered as I picked up my bags and walked up to the train station. I got my ticket and I was ready to go. Boarding the train, I saw no window seats, which made me mad considering I preferred window seats. They were more isolated, just the way I liked it, but I sighed and took a seat next to a stranger. He had pale white skin and from what I saw, light blond hair. He was wearing jeans and a hoodie with the hood up, and a snap back on under it. Like normally, I reached for my phone to listen to music, then remembering that I had thrown my phone at my dad to get away.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath. The man sitting next to me gave me a confused glance. I looked up at him and he smiled.

"Um, I'm sorry if I'm being nosy, but what is bothering you? You seem...troubled." He asked in a thick Irish accent. I looked into his eyes, which were the color of the sea after a storm, and smiled.

"Yeah I just left home and I kind of...left my phone as well so I don't really have any music." I explained. I wasn't about to tell this guy my whole life. That would just be awkward, and it would scare him away. Now that I was leaving, I had basically lost all my friends. So I was in no place to scare people away.

"Here, you can listen to my music." He laughed, handing me an earbud. It was The City by Ed Sheeran.

"Oh god, I love this song!" I cheered as a started kind of jamming out like an idiot. "So where are you getting off?" I asked him.

"I'm getting off in New York City." He told me. I smiled widely at him.

"So am I."

"What do you plan on doing when you get there?" The man asked me.

"Um...well it may sound stupid, but I really want to get into the music industry. Wether it be making music, or being on Broadway, I just want to work with music." I explained, but he just smiled at me

"That's not stupid at all." He said, and I smiled back at him as the train began moving, and I was getting away from Cherry Hill New Jersey.

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