Chapter 13: Property

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(A/N: Hey, so I have been working really hard on editing this story because I really do like it. If you can please please PLEASE promote this in any way possible it would mean the world to me. If not then it's okay because I'm really happy people like this fanfic! Anyway, thanks again for reading and away we go!)

After I hung up with Jayce, there were no more nightmares, but there was no sleep either. I couldn't sleep. I felt like if I slept, then I would be letting my guard down. Jayce didn't even know where we were, but I felt like he would find a way to get into the room. Nothing was impossible. So I stayed up all night until I saw sunlight seeping into the room. I then got up from bed and pulled away the light curtain to see the sun rising. I sat on the bay window as I watched sunlight pour over the city. Below me, I watched all different kinds of people walk down the streets. People watching.

From the homeless to men in tight cleaned suits, everyone was going in a different direction. It was interesting though, how these men and women looked so focused on going where they were going. It made me wonder if they ever thought of what they would do if they just stopped and thought of what they would do when they got there. Would they work, doing the same thing over and over and over again? Would they be happier, or not? I rarely saw someone walking with a smile, and just that made me sad.

There was suddenly a knock at my door, and my head turned towards the door. I got up from the bay window and sprinted back over to my bed, throwing the covers over me to make it seem like I was already asleep.

"Come in." I called in a fake groggy voice, and in walked Louis. I peeled away the covers, and gave him a confused glance. "W-what are you doing up so early?"

"Cut the crap, I knew you were awake." Louis said sternly, still giving me half of a smile. I sat up straight, confused as to how he knew that I was awake in the first place. Louis walked over to the bed and sat down. His hair was a sloppy mess, and he obviously needed a bit of a shave before a stubble became a pathetic beard. He wore black sweatpants and a thought white tee shirt, which, if I were fifteen again, would've driven me crazy, but my mind was still wrapped around the phone call with Jayce. "I got up at this unholy hour of the morning to call one of our managers to see what time we had to be at Madison Square Garden for our second performance, and when I picked up the phone, what do I hear?" He asks sarcastically, and it clicks. Louis knew about the call with Jayce.

" much did you hear?" I asked, feeling a ball of fearsome air forming in my throat.

"Enough to know that there is so much more to you than you ever told any of us, that's for sure." He told me, folding his arms firmly across his chest. I looked down at the ground, gripping the sheets tightly.Louis knew. He knew about Jayce, and that I was supposed to be meeting with him today, probably to be told that I would be in a relationship with him whether I liked it or not. I knew exactly how he would do it too. He would guilt trip me into it, saying that I had no choice, and that he would protect me from other guys who would just use me for my body. If that didn't work, then obviously physical persuasion would have to be used.

'"I...I can explain-" I started, but Louis cut me off.

"Why would you agree to seeing him? I'm sorry, but are you stupid or something? Evie, he will hurt you. I don't care what he says, that Jayce guy is going to hurt you in one way or another, and I don't know why you don't see it now." Louis said, his voice cracking in various places, and tears welling in his eyes. I stayed silent for a while, then finally spoke.

"Why are you crying?" 

"Because my best friend cares about you, and you're doing all of this behind his back, which is only going to hurt him." He told me, his face now stained with tears. "Niall won't see past you but everyone else will. Poor idiot thinks that everything is fine, but you're dealing with this Jayce guy who treats you you're his property or something!" He said, his voice raising. A single tear fell down my cheek, and a shudder went through my whole body.

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