Chapter 5: My Big Break, Or A Break Of Pressure?

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* (A/N) While reading the flash back, listened to I dreamed a dream, Anne Hathaway version, or 10th anniversary version. That was where I got the inspiration for this.*

It was cold out, but I still loved it. Central Park was one of my favorite places in the world. It felt like you almost weren't even in the city. People were around us talking, but for once, it was just older folks. A lot of parents with their little kids, and that's when I realized that it was Monday. Most of One Direction's fans would be in school, so we probably wouldn't be bombarded by people. Niall and I made small talk here and there, until we walked under a bridge, and we were completely alone. He stopped walking and just sat down on the street with his head in his knees. Confused, I walked over and sat down next to him. We sat in silence until he pulled out his phone and went onto Twitter. Oh boy, I thought. This will not end well. He handed me the phone, and when I looked on the screen, I wanted to throw the phone to the other wall. I saw Niall the other day with a pretty girl, hope she likes ugly Irishmen! Xx The tweet read. I instantly covered my mouth with my hand, and tears welled in my eyes.

"N-Niall..." I gasped, and I could now begin to hear him cry.

"I know we just met, but Evie, I feel I can trust you." He said, trying to hold back more tears.

" can tell me anything Niall. I don't really have anyone else to tell, so your secret is safe with me." I said with a scoffed laugh.

"It's just..." Niall started, then sighed. "I know that being in One Direction comes with hate, but I didn't expect this much. What have I done for them to hate me? A-and to say I don't deserve to be in the, why do people just have to be so mean?" He sobbed. I took his head and layed it on my shoulder as he cried a little more. A mother and three little kids were walking past us, and one little girl saw us sitting there. As the kids and mother walked away, the one little girl broke away from the group. She was about six or seven, and over all adorable. She had a blond pony tail sticking out of the back of her head, and wore a pink bow in front of it. Her eyes were a deep, deep sea green, and she had the face of a china doll. She wore a little red dress with a black coat over top. She held a teddy bear close to her chest as she asked why Niall was crying.

"O-oh, he has just been having a bad day." I replied. Niall wiped away his tears and looked up at her. She looked down at the teddy bear and then back up at him with a smile.

"Here," she said, handing him the bear. " Mr. Ted said he wants to go with you. He thinks you need his comfort more than I do." Niall took the bear, then looked up at her.

"Won't you want him back though?" He asked. The little girl shrugged and giggled.

"If Mr. Ted thinks he should stay with you, then I need to be happy for him." The girl said. Niall smiled at her as she gave him a light kiss on the cheek, then ran off with her mother and the other kids. I watched Niall as he watched her run back to her mother, her blond pony tail bouncing with every step. She took her mothers hand, then flashed a smile back at the both of us.

"That was...sweet." I said as a smile grew on my face. Niall then turned to me, and smiled.

", Mr. cute." He laughed. I laughed along, then saw him hold the bear in front of me.

"Niall, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Me. Ted said he wants to go with you, because he likes you."

"What're you talking about?"

"I mean, he likes you...and, well, maybe, so do-" Niall started, but was soon interrupted by the sound of a guitar in the distance. Our heads turned in the way of sound. There was large crowed of people surrounding one man.

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