Chapter 20: Monsters

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In the back seat of the ford explorer, I sat there with my knees up near my face. I wanted to know that Niall wasn't getting hurt. This was all my fault and I couldn't stand it. If I had just told him about what was going on, then none of this would've happened. Now look at the situation, the boys had no idea where the two of us were, and they were probably worried sick. Rightfully so. Who knew what Jayce was doing to Niall, and how did I know Gabe was taking me to Jayce and Niall anyway? All I wanted was to see Niall safe, but I knew that probably wasn't the case. This was all my fault. Niall never should've gotten mixed up with a broken basket case like me.

Eventually, the car stopped, and Gab got out and came around to my side. When he opened the door, he quickly grabbed my arm and jerked my body towards him. I let out a cry in pain, but he simply pushed me towards a large warehouse. Gabe's hand was still wrapped tightly around my arm, but I figured it was better to just walk than argue. I took a deep breath through the nose and I smelled sea salt air and heard seagulls calling in the distance. Guessing we were somewhere near the bay area, I guessed that this was maybe some abandoned warehouse they had broken into (considering I doubt these idiots did anything legal) I scoffed, knowing I wasn't afraid to give any lip to Gabe. I doubt Jayce would let him do anything bad to me.

"Nice five star place you guys picked out." I snickered, but Gabe simply pushed me forward.

"Shut up and keep moving." Gabe moaned. Looking back and giving him a disgusted look, I kept moving towards the door. Once we were there, Gabe opened up the large sliding door and pushed me inside, causing me to fall. I looked down at my hands and saw cuts that were slowly beginning to bleed. I let out a sigh then got up from the cold stone ground. I looked around and saw no light anywhere, which made it hard to see anything at all. Turning my head back to ask Gabe where Niall was, but he was nowhere to be found. Standing still in the dark slowly became nerve wrecking, so I quickly walked around the warehouse, looking for Niall, or even at this point, Jayce, only because he knew where Niall was. I wandered around for a bit, hoping to see some forms of life.

"N-Niall..." I whispered, still afraid to make any sound at all. I soon found myself climbing a set of steel stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible, and utterly failing.  My whole body was shaking, and I feared that Jayce would come out of nowhere and attack me. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I found myself faced with a flat wood floor that went about halfway across the warehouse. I looked around, but it was still too dark to see anything. I heard a muffled yelling in the distance, but before I could find the source, I felt two strong hands push me down. I let out a loud scream as I fell to the ground. Before I could get up, I felt the mysterious figure turn me over and straddle me, putting their large hand over my mouth.

"Evie babe, you can't scream like that, or someone will find us." I heard a soft, yet evil voice whisper by my ear. Jayce. He left a trail of kisses, running down my jaw and towards my lips.

"N-no, no stop please!" I begged, struggling to get away.

"Isn't this what you always wanted? You wanted me to come back? Well, here I am." He scoffed, trying to steady me, but I still struggled. I wasn't giving up. Jayce wasn't going to over power me this time. "Stop fighting Evie!" He shouted at me, now struggling to keep me down.

"No! I will never stop fighting you!" I yelled at him, and he froze for a split second. "Where, is, Niall?" I spat at him with a fierce look. For a while, he stayed stunned, but then, his face filled with rage once again, dragging his palm across my face.

"Don't you DARE speak to me that way! You hear me bitch?! Do you remember who you're talking to?! I don't care how long I was away, I STILL OWN YOU." He screamed in my face. Still struggling, Ifelt tears stream down my stinging cheeks. I didn't want him to own me, and then something clicked. I was my own person. No one had any kind of ownership over me. If I wasn't my own person, then he did control me, but he didn't. I was independant. I didn't need him to rule over my life. Quickly, I pulled my knee up into his ribcage, causing him to roll over and groan in pain. Faster than I ever have before, I got up and raced away from him. I still heard that muffled yelling in the distance, and with every step I took, I knew I was getting closer to Niall. It had to be him. It couldn't be anyone else.

"Niall?!" I called out frantically, then heard him try to yell out. I moved closer and found him, beaten, bruised, and burned. His hands were tied to an old steel pipe, and his mouth was covered by a thin white cloth. My heart broke. He was so helpless and it was all my fault. I quickly kneeled down next to him and untied him from the pipe, then removing the cloth from his mouth. Almost immediatly he pressed hhis lips against mine. My body was still shaking, as was his, but I could just tell that he didn't care. Nothing mattered except for the face that we were together in that one moment. I was back in his arms, and I would personally make sure that my past would never come back for him. My monsters would never effect him like they did tonight.

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