Chapter 11: Cupcakes

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As we were walking back to the dressing room, Niall had a tight grip on my hand, making sure that I never left his side. This was perfect, and nothing could really ruin this for us now. Every once and a while, Niall and I would steal a glance at each other while Zayn was talking about how Harry smashed a cupcake in Louis face for taking his hair brush. (I seriously did wonder why I was so obsessed with them a couple of years ago.) Every time Niall and I looked at each other, we looked away quickly, both of our faces burning up and turning a bright red. Still, we were okay with the silence. There was nothing really all that wrong with it. The two of us were still happy, and we knew that we didn't need words to convey feelings. It was all told silently through idle glances and looks. I wouldn't want it any other way. I was slowly forgetting about Jayce more and more with every passing second. Before I knew it, I couldn't remember how tall he was compared to me. Then his voice, and his smile, and the last trace of him lingering in my mind was his eyes. Those bright blue eyes. But they were soon replaced with Niall's. Though they were similar, Niall's seemed brighter, and filled with something more than lust. Love. Jayce's eyes just showed lust and want, but there was no true emotion in them. When it came to emotion, they were almost empty. Niall's though, were bright and shining. Though he never really explained how he felt in words, it was all in his eyes. No words were ever really needed.

When we walked back into the dressing room, we could hear Ed Sheeran playing Lego House, but the sound was overridden by the boys shouting. Harry and Louis were in some kind of cupcake war, where Louis was ducked behind a turned over couch, and Harry was crouched behind a dresser. The two of them had a tray of cupcakes, probably from fans, and they were throwing them back and forth, aiming right for each other. Liam was with Danielle and Eleanor under a coffee table, and Perrie was standing right on top of that table, monitoring the miniature war like it was a basket ball game or something. 

"And Harry throws a red velvet with a delicious cream cheese topping, but it barely misses Lou! Louis retaliates with a triple chocolate mousse, and it's a clear hit! Bulls eye! Right on the nose!" She shouts through a laugh. Next to me, Niall and Zayn were dying of laughter. I felt a smile crawl onto my lips, growing bigger and bigger. These guys were completely insane, but I loved it.

"And Louis goes down like The Hindenburg! How does that lemon cream taste Lou?!" Perrie yells, then looking up at the doorway where the three of us stood. She was still smiling by the looks of it, but she was surprised to see Niall's fingers intertwined with mine.Louis got up, a yellow tinted cream smeared over his left cheek, then looked at Perrie with a confused glance. He and Harry looked over at Zayn, Niall, and I at the same time, along with Liam, Danielle and Eleanor. My cheeks flushed red as the room fell silent, the only source of sound being Ed's music, and the cheers of the crowed. Perrie hopped off the table, and smiled widely. "So Niall, do you want to share something with the rest of the group?" She asked. Niall smiled, looking down at the ground, then at me. His arm snaked around my waist, and his head turned back to everyone else.

"She said yes." He told them with a smile. All at once, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn ran over and hugged him, tearing us apart. They were all shouting things like "I knew it!" and "Good job mate!", which made me smile, like I knew it would. They were all so proud of him, and it was like he accomplished something they never thought he would. I let out a small laugh, then looked back at the other girls. They all walked over to me with warm, welcoming smiles.

"Congratulations Evie. Niall's a great guy." Eleanor said with a smile. I nodded and then felt myself being pulled into a tight hug. I was forced back and forth, letting out a squeak. "Perrie!" Eleanor giggled as I was released from Perrie's hug.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy! We have a new member of the girlfriend club!" Perrie joyfully cheered. Danielle rolled her eyes with a smile then looked at me.

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