Chapter 9: That Moment of Realization When...

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The fact that all of these guys were shirtless right before my eyes, really made me question wether or not I had super powers. After I snapped out of my trance, my feet slowly guided me into the dressing room as I shut the door behind me. Louis and Eleanor just shrugged and went back to kissing, which, I really didn't mind. Zayn dropped Liam, causing him to shout a loud ow. Danielle quickly rushed to his side to check if he were okay, but to me it looked like he was fine. Silence still filled the air. You could almost feel the awkward as if it were a person in the room. As if that person was brushing their fingertips down the nape of your neck. It was there, and you could feel it. Niall still had one arm around my waist, but I didn't really mind it. Then there was Harry who was still bobbing his head to the beat of You Need Me, But I Don't Need You. Finally, someone smiled. Perrie walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me for a friendly hug.

"Hi! I'm Perrie!" She cheered as she pulled away. "Wow, you're just as pretty in person as Niall said you are!"

"H-hey!" Niall scolded as his cheeks turned a bright red. I just giggled a bit then my eyes scrolled down to Niall's arm wrapped around my waist, causing my cheeks to flare up a bit also. Still, it stayed there, and I kind of liked it there.

"Thank you. I'm a huge fan of your music. You and the girls have always been an inspiration of mine." I told Perrie and her smile grew wider.

"Thank you so much! Are you a singer?" She asked, and I nodded.

"I am actually meeting with a recording manager tomorrow. We are going to talk about creating an album." I told her.

"That's amazing! I hope it sells well."

"I bet it will. Evie can really sing. Not to mention she writes songs. I haven't seen any of them yet, but I'm sure they're great." Niall chimed in finally.

"I-I wouldn't say that. I can't write lyrics all that well." I said, my cheeks glowing a light pink.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be great!" Perrie insisted.

For the next few minutes, all I did was talk to Perrie and Niall about what I would like to do with an album of my own music. It was always a dream of mine to do some covers of songs, like Fix You by Coldplay, or maybe an Adele song. Either way, I knew that I wanted some covers, but most of the album would have to be my own music. I told Perrie about what a lot of the songs were about and she knew that most of my music would sell. The whole time I spoke of it, Niall stared at me with a smile. Every once and a while I would catch him staring at me, and he would look away, but I would just giggle. Eventually though, I felt his eyes land on me once again. He always gave me all of his attention, which is something most people avoided doing. Still, Niall was always listening to me, and paying attention to me, and making sure I knew he cared. It reminded me of what he said to me that first night on the train. When I spoke of my dreams, Niall claimed that I had a certain spark in my eye. I wanted to be a professional music artist more than anything else in the world. So when he told me of this, it didn't shock me too much. Finally, Perrie asked about my romantic life, and Niall gave her a look, that screamed 'You will pay for that later'.

"Uh, well, I don't know really. I think I want to focus more on my music right now. There is this one guy though. He's a guy I used to know. I doubt anything will happen though." I explained, and Niall's grip on my waist tightened, almost as if he was telling me 'Wrong answer.'

"Oh, well, I know someone who is very-" She started, but was stopped by Zayn walking over and throwing his arm over her shoulder lazily.

"Hey guys! I thought I would just walk over here and say hi." He said a bit too cheery. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little. Niall let out a sigh of relief, and just with that, I knew exactly what was going on. It was clear as day. Niall liked me as more than a friend. Did I mind? Not at all, but I do think that he could do a lot better then little me. It was almost unbelievable, but everything pointed to that conclusion. I wanted to say something more to him, but what could I say? I needed to think of the right way to say this. Even though I was happy, I really just wanted to get past all of the things going on with my soon-to-be career. How would I even have time for a relationship? The bottom line is, I wouldn't. Especially when both Niall and I were in the music business. Something just told me that it couldn't end well.

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