Chapter 10: New Girl

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When we pulled away,  shock filled both of our faces. I wasn't too sure what to do next. I mean...Niall and I had just kissed! Niall James Horan and I just kissed. The more and more I thought about it, the more I felt like I had just made a terrible mistake. For the longest time, the two of us just stared at each other, unknowing of what thoughts were rushing through the other persons head. Niall's arm slowly slipped around my waist, and the corners of his lips turned up words, forming that same old perfect smile, that even without my old fan girl ways, still managed to make my heart race. Just his smile told me one thing, and that was that this was all maybe a mistake, but it was a beautiful one if so, and we didn't regret it one bit.

"Niall..." I said with a shaky breath, and he simply pulled me closer to him.

"Be mine, princess?" He asked, and my cheeks flushed with the color red. I bit my lip, before the corners of my mouth curved into a smile, and I let the silence go on. Finally, I cracked.

"Of course." I giggled as I snaked my arms over his shoulders, pulling him in for a tight hug. His grip on my waist tightened, and his head fit perfectly into the crook of my neck. There we were, in our own little world. We were both happy as could be, and no one could ruin that. Niall made me as happy as my mom used to make me, and he made me feel like she was still here. His warm breath on my neck made me want to pull him closer than he was already, if that was even possible.

Suddenly, I felt as though I needed to go to my mothers grave, which was back in Cherry Hill. I wanted to go there, and I wanted Niall to come with me. I wanted him to see it, which was something I never did. I was the only one who ever went to my mothers grave. My sister never could because she was so young, and all of my family just broke down anytime someone said her name. I was the only one that ever went there, and I was the only one who wanted to go there. Personally, I'm the only one who I wanted to be there, like I had some sort of permission over everyone else. Was I better than anyone else? Not at all, but after she died, I was the only one who visited her. Some of my friends would try to ask me if they could go with me to make sure I was okay, but I refused to let any of them follow me, or come with me. I never told them when I would go, but those days when they caught me were the days I cancelled my trips to see her. Since they didn't know, they could never follow me when I lost them. No one was allowed there accept for me. Some late nights I would hop the fence just so I could see her. I was the only one left that visited her, and now it was time that someone else saw my mothers grave. 

"Ni, I-I want to ask you something..." I said to him, pulling away from his loving embrace.

"What is it?" He wondered, getting his fingers tangled in mine

"I...well, do you want to...maybe, go to my mothers grave with me? I have never brought anyone else with me, b-but I want to bring you there." I told him. His excited expression changed to shock, but once again turned soft.

"Of course Evie, anything for you. If it would make you happy, then I would be glad to go with you." He answered, then holding me close again. "The boys may not like me leaving the city...again...but it's for you."

"I don't want you to get in trouble though Niall." I giggled.

"It's worth it. Anything is when I get to see you smile. You have such a pretty smile." He told me, and suddenly I was overwhelmed with happiness. Niall really did care about me like no one else did, or could. He didn't care about what other people thought, or said. The thought of having that much power over someone almost scared me. He would basically do anything for me, and it scared me to think that I actually meant that much to him. It's almost like I have known him my whole life, but in all reality, I met him literally three days ago. I guess sometimes you just click with certain people. Sometimes, you click so much, that it only takes two or three days to fall for them. That's how it played out with Jayce, but I also had to remember that Jayce and Niall were two totally different people. Jayce was controlling, and over all, pretty rude. Niall on the other hand was sweet, and kind, and he was everything I ever could have wanted.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when both of us sat up at the sound of Zayn's voice calling for Niall. Oh God, the boys. What would they think? Did they know about Niall liking me? As I straightened up, I wiped my remaining tears with the sleeve of my blue sweater, with my other hand still intertwined with Niall's. I guess he saw how nervous I was, considering I felt his grip on my hand tighten a bit. He kissed my cheek, then smiled at me.

"Don't worry, they know." He told me, causing the corners of my lips to move up into a smile. We both heard Zayn's footsteps getting closer, which caused both of our heads to turn to our left.

"Niall! Niall where-?!" He shouted as he began to turn the corner, but slipped and fell right on his ass. I let out a giant laugh, causing my head to snap back. Niall was already near tears as we both got up and helped Zayn up.

"You okay mate?" Niall asked, still trying so hard not to laugh.

"You're an ass hole for laughing, but yeah, I'm fine. We were just wondering where you were...and why you were there...and if anything happened..." Zayn said, raising his eyebrows every time he took a pause, Niall chuckled to him self then snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could feel my cheeks glow rose, but I didn't mind. I honestly wouldn't want anyone else holding my waist like Niall was right now.

"Oh, something happened alright." Niall told Zayn, then kissing my cheek. I looked over to Zayn, who was smiling just as wide as Niall and I were, which told me that I had his approval. All of the worry that I had before was washed over, and it was like I was with my friend, and my new loving boyfriend. I felt accepted by everyone, and the other three boys didn't even know we were together yet. Still, the warm welcoming feeling of acceptance flowed through my body. I was surrounded by a kind of people who would look at me, and for once, not judge me, and who I am, and where I came from. They didn't care. I care about Niall, and they know that I would never hurt him. To them, that was all that mattered.

"So, are we going back to the dressing room?" I asked, and Niall smiled at me once again.

"Of course. We have to tell the other guys. They'll be so happy...wait! Now that you two are together, I can tell her all the cute shit you said about her!" Zayn said, and my head snapped towards Niall, who was beat red in embarrassment.

"Zayn, don't you fucking-" Niall started, but I broke away from him and took one step closer to Zayn.

"Please, do tell me all the cute shit Niall said!" I giggled, and the three of us were on our way to the boys dressing room.

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