Chapter 17: He Will Pay

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The next morning was peaceful to say the least. Niall's body was so close to mine, and at first, I forgot how he even got there. Then I remembered last night, how he fell in bed with me, and how the two of us just fell asleep together. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. Just waking up next to him gave me a better outlook on the day. Everything was perfect, quiet, peaceful, and overall my own little paradise. Nothing could be more amazing than waking up to someone who I knew loved me and cared about me. Someone who would protect me from every aspect of my dark past. I never really knew what this was like. The first week dating Jayce I thought I knew what it was like, but little did I know at that time that he was just a fake. Niall was real. Niall cared. I felt safe, loved, and that's all I wanted. That's what I had while lying next to him, engulfed in his loving embrace.

I ran my hand through his short blond hair with a small sleepy smile spread across my face. He wasn't wearing any clothes but his underwear, but I really did not mind. It only made my smile  grow larger. Slowly but surely, his eyes opened up, and he was smiling too. He pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.

"Good morning Princess. Sleep well?" He asked in a groggy morning voice.

"Yes, I did actually." I said with a nod. "You should sleep in here more often."

"I would like that a lot Evie. Do I have your permission to move in and bunk with you?" 

"Of course" I giggled, then kissing his nose. He closed his eyes and his grip on my body got tighter. I was safe where I was. He was my safe haven. I couldn't have asked for a better guardian angel.

There was then a knock at the door, and Niall let out a moan of annoyance. 

"Whatever or whoever it is can wait!" Niall called out, causing me to giggle a bit. Then there was another knock, and I stopped laughing, looking at the door with a puzzled glance. "We're a little busy!" Niall yelled again.

"Sorry, but it's a delivery for Evie!" Harry shouted back through the door. I sat up, only more confused than before. Delivery? What the hell was he talking about? I glanced back at Niall, who just stared at me. I gave him a shrug, then got out of bed and walked over to the door. Upon opening it, I saw Harry standing there with an envelope. I glared at him as he looked past me and his eyes went wide. "So that's what I was interrupting, huh?"

"Harry, give me the stupid envelope, and please go away." I told him, taking the letter from him and turning around to shut the door.

"Okay, have fun you two, and use protection!" He laughed, causing me to slam the door behind me. Niall fell back laughing a bit, then calling me back over. I shook my head a bit and smiled as I walked over towards the bed.

"Is someone a bit grumpy?" Niall teased. I snuggled in next to him, the letter still in my hands. I brought the envelope up closer to my face and looked at the front and back of it. My glance switched to Niall, who just shrugged. "Want to open it now?" He asks me.

"I guess so." I sighed, then ripping open the seal. No paper, no little letter or note, nothing of that sort. I lifted the bottom of the envelope carefully and out slid a small silver chain that I never thought I would see again. An old necklace that Jayce gave me. Before he left for Alabama, I gave it back to him in school in front of his friends. After school, Jayce followed me home he hit me the hardest I have ever been hit by anyone. I thought I would see stars. I just kept remembering his voice screaming at me while he was on top of me in my house slapping me and scratching at my face. After every single hit he would just scream You fucking bitch! You mother fucking cunt bitch! No matter how many times I apologized, Jayce just kept hitting me. No one was home, and when my mother came home from work and saw my bruised face, I told her that I got into a fight with one of the girls at school. I kept making jokes about how the other girl looked even worse, and that I won. It was the most hurtful thing that I ever had to do. My mother didn't deserve to be lied to, especially about Jayce.

"W-what is that?" Niall asked nervously. I felt tears come to my eyes as I saw a little tag tied to the necklace, and on it was written Meet me at the park. Don't screw up this time. "Evie, who the fuck is this from?"

"N-Niall, I can explain, I-I swear, I-I don't..." I started to say, but my whole body began to tremble, and I couldn't process a single thought. I felt tears roll down my cheeks furiously, and I felt like my whole perfect world was crashing.

"Was this that Jayce guy? Evie I swear to god I will fucking kill this guy!" Niall raged, getting out of bed and walking around towards the door.

"No! Niall, please, I am begging you, do not go anywhere near Jayce." I pleaded, grabbing his arm, and keeping him in the room.

"I never trusted him, and now he needs to pay because of what he just did!", no, no.

"Please, Niall-"

"This is a threat!" You have no idea. If only you knew.

"No, you don't understand!"

"You're defending him?!" Trust me, I'm defending you.

"I...I-I don't want anyone to get hurt." I whispered, still crying. Niall stared at me for a while, expressionless. My whole body was shaking violently, and I just wanted it all to end. I wanted to go back to when he and I were first waking up, and we were in our own perfect little world. Jayce wasn't actually real, and everything around us was gone. Now, I was back in reality.

"I'm sorry, but this guy needs to back the fuck off." He says, then storming off out of the room and slamming the door behind him. For a while, I stood there, just standing in awe. This wasn't happening. I would wake up and Niall would hold me tight and tell me that everything was okay. My worst nightmares were coming true all at once. Jayce was winning. I quickly rushed out of the door after hearing Niall walk out of his room (probably after putting on some clothes), and he was still fuming angry. I walked after him, repeating his name, but he just kept rushing down the stairs.

"Niall, Niall, please! You don't understand!" I cried, but he kept ignoring me. Before he could walk out the door, I pulled him back by his arm, causing him to turn around swiftly, and before he could say anything, I planted a kiss on his lips. The kiss was slow and passionate, and I tried to make it beautiful enough that it would make him stay. He pulled away, and stared at me blankly. Niall's eye brows then furrowed, and he wrapped his hands around my wrists, looking me right in the eyes.

"I'm going to make that fucker pay." He said sternly, then turning around and storming out the door. I followed him until the door shut right behind him. Both of my hands held onto the door knob tightly, but I wasn't making a single move. He was out there, alone, and going to find Jayce. I didn't even know how to feel anymore, or what to think. When I turned around, I saw Louis, Liam, and Harry giving me wide eyed stares. Before anyone could ask any questions, I pushed past them and ran upstairs to my room, slamming the door behind me. I couldn't do this. I couldn't deal with the fact that Niall would get hurt and it would be all my fault. Everything was my fault. It would always be my fault.

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