Moon hasn't seen the F&F movies!

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Everyone: 2020 sucks

Meanwhile Ari's fiancé:

34+35 - Ariana Grande


"I keep forgetting to ask you," Qibli started as he swayed to the music with Moon. "Are those lenses?"

"My eyes?" Moon asked. "No, why?"

"They're really pretty." He said.

"You--" The song changed again, and Moon stooped mid sentence. She felt her breath quicken, but but she wasn't getting any air. Somewhere beyond the sound of her own heartbeat, Moon thought she heard Qibli say something.

"I--I have to go." She choked out before turning around and rushing towards the closest exit she could find. Even if it was a window or a vent. She'd crawl through it.

I'm gonna puke. Actually.

She rushed through the halls and out the back doors of the school, rushing down the steps and immediately regretting it when her not-waterproof heeled boots sank into the snow. The freezing water soaked through to her socks. She didn't care. Not enough to go back into the gym where everyone was hogging the air and that song was playing.

She took a deep breath and sat on the top step of the stairs, the only one not covered in four inches of snow.

There I go, ruining the formal.

She sighed, crossing her arms on her knees and letting her chin rest on her arms. She didn't turn around when someone opened the door.

"Found you." She didn't need to see him to know who he was.

"Sorry." Moon mumbled.

She heard him step closer, and then something fell on her shoulders. She turned around to see he wasn't wearing his jacket anymore.

"You're not gonna get cold?" She asked him.

Qibli shrugged and sat beside her. "I'm not the one wearing a strapless dress."

"Thanks." Moon mumbled, pulling it tighter around her.

Qibli nodded. When Moon didn't say anything after that, Qibli spoke up. "Are you really gonna make me guess why you pulled a Cinderella on me?"

Moon let out a quiet laugh. She turned her head to look at him, relieved when she noticed he didn't look mad. "It wasn't really anything important." she said, resting her head on her knees again.

"It's clearly important to you," he stated. "So it's important to me."

Moon lifted her gaze to the night sky, letting thin coat of tiny snowflakes land on her long eyelashes. "It's another depressing story." She warned him.

Qibli shrugged. "I'm still here."

"I was at a party with my parents when that song started playing. My dad asked me to get him a drink and I accidentally got the wrong one so being him, he got really mad and made us all go back home. He totally overreacted and called me all these horrible things and when my mom sided with me and told him off and he slapped her. Again, my fault."

"Don't say that--"

"No it's true. They used to love each other. Until me. I was an accident. My dad didn't want me. My mom did. In the end it was her choice cause it was her body but it made him really mad at her and at me. So technically it's my fault that he became a like that and that they're not together anymore."

Moon knew Qibli had a lot to say to that. But she also knew he knew she knew what he would've said. They were words that didn't need to be spoken to be heard. Instead, he stayed silent for a moment, then planted a kiss on her temple.

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