Another New Girl

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Someone to you - BANNERS

Winter's POV

For those of you who think I like Lynx, you're wrong. I honestly don't think I like her any more than my friends do. I know she's a snobby, spoiled brat. Now if you're wondering why I took her to the dance last week...just know that we can all thank my parents we for that.

3rd Person POV

Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Beep-beep!

Ugh. alarms. How's it already morning?! Winter thought as he reluctantly rolled over and snoozed his alarm.

7 am.

Would it really make a difference if I just closed my eyes for five...more...minutes?...

. . .

"Winter!" Icicle screamed from somewhere in his house.

Winter jolted awake and sat up. He quickly grabbed his phone to check the time.

Seven forty-two.


The exhausted teenager jumped out of his bed and threw on a decent outfit. He checked his reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Messy hair.

He hastily ran his hands through his hair a few times, combing it with his fingers. Better.

Winter washed his face with cold water before quickly running down the stairs--jumping the last five--and scrambling to the fridge to get something to eat.

It was too late to make anything, (not that Winter wasn't too lazy to do it even if he did have time) so he grabbed a granola bar and ran out the door to find his sister waiting impatiently in her car.

"It's about time!" She said, starting the car.

Winter rolled his and looked out the window, hoping that was good enough to make Icicle realize he didn't feel like talking to her.

"Sooo, how are things with you and Lynx?" Icicle asked with a smirk.

Clearly, she didn't get the message.

Winter glared at her for a moment before answering. "It was one dance. There's nothing going on between us."

Icicle sent him an exaggerated wink. "suurre"

Winter rolled his eyes and put on his headphones and his best 'don't-talk-to-me' face.

Of course, Icicle just whipped one of his earbuds out and continued talking.

"So, you know that Pom-Pom girl in my grade? Glory Stunning?" She didn't wait for him to nod before she continued talking. "Don't you ever just feel like you wanna run up to her and punch the lights outta that perfect face--" She said the last two words in a sweet-tone-- "I mean like, why do people think she's so pretty?! She has the best hair, and the best makeup, and the best clothes, everyone wants to be her! I don't get why! I'm pretty too people! I have nice clothes! I'm--bla bla bla complain complain complain im better than everyone else, ladidadida life sucks."

Winter had drowned her voice out with his music cause she was seriously getting annoying. He still occasionally nodded and let out a few 'mhm's here and there to make it seem like he was listening, and she didn't seem to suspect anything.


"Duck! Duck! Run! Behind the bush! Shoot! Run!" Qibli was yelling instructions behind Winter while Winter was trying to play a game on his phone. "Turn around! Turn around! Dang it you died."

Winter set his phone down, extremely annoyed. "Who's fault is that?" He asked, turning around to face Qibli.

"Yours?" Qibli said

Winter rolled his eyes as Qibli grinned. Winter was sure he would've punched Qibli in the face if he hadn't been saved by Moon and Kinkajou walking over.

They seemed to be talking about a movie or a book or something.

"No, I told you, Jane and Michael are meant to be!" Moon said to Kinkajou.

"But what about Raf?" Kinkajou asked.

"Um... I kinda hate him." Moon said truthfully.

"But he's such a hottie!" Kinkajou protested.

"Yeah but he's also an entitled, snobby, rich player." Moon pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point. But we still have four more seasons. Anything can happen." Kinkajou said, taking a sip from her venti unicorn Frappuccino.

"Hey guys" Moon said, as she approached the boys, Kinkajou close behind her.

"Hey" said Qibli.

Qibli glanced at both Kinkajou and Moon, but Winter thought he held Moon's gaze a little longer than necessary.

"SO," Said Kinkajou, breaking the slightly awkward silence. "I heard we're having another new girl today! We should totally make sure we're her first friends here! I wonder what she's like! Maybe she's gonna be pretty!"

Kinkajou continued talking on and on about the mysterious new girl until the bell rang.


"Eeee! She's gonna be here soon!!" Kinkajou was still talking about the new girl.

"Okay." Said Moon. "You need to calm down. You don't wanna scare her away."

"Yeah." Kinkajou said, "I should. I promise I won't say anything..."

Winter sometimes wondered why he could never get as exited about something as Kinkajou. Sometimes he wondered how it would feel to be in her shoes. Always all bubbly and happy.

Sometimes he just wanted to be normal. Have a normal family with normal parents who actually cared about him. He knew that would never happen though. All he could do was dream. But what good does that do?

Winter was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Kinkajou's voice.

"She's coming!" She whispered loudly

As if right on cue, the classroom door opened, and in came a curly haired girl.

Winter felt his eyes widen ever so slightly. He couldn't deny it. She was the actual definition of gorgeous. She had dark brown eyes and brown skin and dark hair that was tightly curled and fell just past her shoulders, which were left exposed by her white tube top.

Everyone else seemed to be thinking the same thing, cause most of his classmates were staring at her wide-eyed, some even mouth-dropped.

The girl didn't look nervous... She had her nose in her phone and airpods in her ears.

When she finally realized she had an audience, she lifted her eyelids and stared around at the room. She took one airpod out as Dune spoke.

"hello miss Bright." He said. "It is a pleasure to meet you and we are all looking forward to having you in this class. Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself, where you're from or why you moved here?"

The new girl stared at Dune for about a minute, an extremely judgey look on her face, before she said plainly,


Hey guys sorry if that was boring... but I'll hopefully be posting again soon! anyways, i hope you still enjoyed this.


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