Raise Your Hand if You Hate Her

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This song will never get old.

All I Do Is Win - DJ Khaled

mmkay yall really need to stop crying over the fact that I made Lynx a little more bitchy than yall wanted. Like its a book. It's really not that serious.


Moon's POV

Today's the dance and I'm so exited! Kinkajou helped me with my dress and my makeup and i gotta say, I don't look that bad.

3rd Person POV

"Oh. Em. GEE!" Kinkajou squealed. "You look amazing! I swear we NEED to take a selfie."

Moon was at Kinkajou's house preparing for the school dance. She really didn't feel comfortable walking in heels and flowy dresses, but she just had to suck it up for one night. Kinkajou had even somehow talked her into wearing makeup

Her red dress felt way too fancy and way too fitted, but she liked it. It was better than the bright yellow strapless dress Kinkajou was wearing. Don't get me wrong, it looked great on Kinkajou but Moon couldn't imagine wearing it herself.

Moon did her best to smile as Kinkajou snapped a pic on her phone.

"Oh my lord that is SO. CUTE!" Kinkajou said, staring at the photo.

"First try" Moon said.

"I know right?!" Kinkajou rushed down the stairs to her parent's car, Moon close behind her.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Kinkajou said as they were making their way into the school.

When Moon didn't answer, Kinkajou looked at her. "Nervous?" She asked.

Moon shrugged. "Kinda, Its my first dance...You know?"

Kinkajou stopped. She turned to face Moon and squeezed her shoulders. "I totally get it." She said.

"You do?" Moon asked.

"Yeah, I felt the same last year. I was like 'Omygoshomygoshomygosh my first real dance', but now I know it's nothing to worry about. Qibli really likes you and you obviously like him back, so just go in there and have fun!"

Moon smiled and hugged her friend. "Thanks Kinkajou." She said.

As they approached the gym, The sound of music became louder and louder.

Soon Moon and Kinkajou were right in front of the door. "Ready to go in?" Kinkajou asked her friend

"Probably as I'll ever be." Moon answered.

Kinkajou took her hand and led her into the extremely loud school gym.

It was actually really cool. There was music and students, a snack table and punch, dancers and lonely people who just showed up cause they're parents thought it would be a 'good bonding experience'.

"This is amazing" Moon said to her rainbow haired friend.

"I know right?" Kinkajou said.

Moon stood on her tippy toes--not that that helped much due to her heels--and tried looking for someone. Qibli, to be exact. But she was still too short.

"Looking for someone?" Someone whispered in her ear. Moon jumped, nearly shrieking. She whirled around to find Qibli, Winter and Turtle all standing behind them.

"I told you to stop doing that"

"I know, but your reactions are funny." Qibli said with a grin.

Of course, Moon hadn't expected Qibli to be dressed all fancy nancy, cause like, he's Qibli. She could tell he somewhat tried though. Black jeans and an untucked white dress shirt.

Moon tore her eyes away from Qibli's and looked around at everyone else. Kinkajou and Turtle were talking, but Moon couldn't hear them over the music.

She glanced at Winter who smiled at her. Moon smiled back. She looked at him for a moment before noticing he was standing beside a girl with ice blue hair that flowed down to her mid-back.

Who is she?

After about a minute, Moon found herself staring at the girl. The girl still hadn't noticed, but Qibli obviously had.

"Winter's new girl." He whispered in Moon's ear.

Moon looked up at him, then back at the girl. The girl finally noticed Moon and glared at her. Moon turned her head with a look that said 'damn', while Kinkajou bounded over to the girl.

"Hi I'm Kinkajou, Winter's friend! What's your name? Are you new here? How come I've never seen you before?"

The girl scoffed. "I'm Lynx and no I don't go here I go to Iceglam Academy up north, which is way better than this dump in case you're all wondering, but Winter invited me here so I came cause I've always wanted to go to a dance with such a handsome cutie" She sighed dreamily and hooked her arm through Winter's.

Winter suddenly became really interested in his shoes.

"Come on Winter let's go have fun" Lynx said.

She pulled Winter away, leaving Kinkajou, Qibli, Moon and Turtle standing there, staring after them.

"well she's...nice..." Moon said

"Raise your hand if you hate her." Qibli said after six seconds.


"Yup. "


They all raised their hands.

"Thought so." Qibli said.

The lights dimmed and the music became softer as someone on the stage started talking, so Moon never got to ask the question.

"Hey Hey Pyrrhia High!" The person at the mic called

Everyone cheered.

Moon looked up to see who it was. It was Sunny, Tsunami and Glory behind the microphone, while The rest of their friends and dates stood behind them.

Glory was the one who'd just spoken.

"Are you all excited for our annual September school dance?" Tsunami said, Making everyone cheer once more.

"I see some new faces out here tonight, and We're all hoping we can count on you students who've been here since last year or earlier to make these new students feel at home here at Pyrrhia High.'' Sunny added.

Qibli grinned and draped an arm around Moon's shoulders, making her giggle.

''Make a new student feel welcome here, check'' He whispered.

''You think so.'' Moon whispered back.

Qibli dipped his head down to her height. ''I know so.'' He said, earning himself a smile from Moon.

''OMG you two are so cute together!'' Kinkajou said. She'd suddenly appeared beside them with Turtle.

Moon blushed, but didn't pull away from Qibli's embrace--If you could even call it an embrace.

She focused her attention back to the stage as Sunny, Glory and Tsunami were all yelling into the mike in union. ''SO LET'S GET READY FOR SOME DJ KHALED!''

Then the group ran off the stage as the music started again.

''DJ KHALID! All I do it win win win no matter what,'' Everyone, including Moon and her friends were singing along. ''Got money on my mind I could never give it up!"

It was a blast. Everyone knew every single lyric and everyone danced as they sang at the top of their lungs. Kinkajou was jumping like crazy, her rainbow hair bouncing up and down with her.

Moon was seriously starting to wonder why she'd never bothered with school dances till now.

Don't worry guys, there's gonna be a part two :)

~Maya B. 💜

Wings of Fire as HumansOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora