"Oh, and here," Agust gave him some cash. "I used your card to buy these decorations, and then I swiped the bunny's wallet to pay you back."

"Agust," Taehyung laughed, taking the cash. "I...thank you. I definitely appreciate getting my stuff back."

"I thought you might." Agust nodded. "You're welcome. Oh, and one more thing."

Taehyung raised a weary eyebrow, wondering what else the alter had stolen. "Yes?"

Agust looked at the floor. "Do...do you remember...that day?"

Taehyung didn't need to ask, he knew immediately what day the alter was referencing.

The day of the failed interview. The day Agust had cut him with that knife. The day Agust had dragged Namjoon upstairs and-

"I do." He said cautiously. "Why?"

Agust dug the toe of his shoe into the carpet, twisting it back and forth. "I said some things to you that I shouldn't have...so I want to make it right today."

Taehyung was silent, waiting for him to continue.

"I said you were boring and a whore and that Yoongi didn't love you." Agust said, unable to meet Taehyung's gaze. "And...that was a lie."

Taehyungs breath caught. He hadn't had the smoothest relationship with Yoongi, even their very first night together was rocky and the morning after was even worse, and then of course there were all the things Taehyung had done that had hurt Yoongi, from his research paper to his decisions, so he had believed the alter when Agust had said Yoongi didn't love him, even though they were dating.

"I knew it would hurt you to hear those words, so that's exactly why I said them." Agust admitted with guilt. "But it's the opposite. He does love you, and he loves you a lot. He doesn't think you're boring in the slightest, you keep him on his toes and he's always entertained by you. And he knows you're submissive, not a whore. He loves it when you give into him so easily, absolutely cherishes the bond you two have had. And I'm not lying to you now, I swear. I feel the things he feels, you know, and every time he looks at you, he gets a warm feeling. I think it's love, because of the way he smiles, but I personally don't have much experience with that emotion so it's hard for me to diagnose. But...yeah...just know he doesn't blame you for anything and that he would do anything for you. He's always felt this way about you, I swear."

Taehyung had tears in his eyes by the time Agust finally peeked up at him, and he quickly brushed them away. "Yoongi..."

"Th-those are happy tears, right?" Agust asked, a little alarmed. "Shit, are they the sad ones? Did I do this wrong- I thought you would like to hear this because it's supposed to be happy. Oh God, I should have just gotten a puppy- stupid-"

Taehyung surged forward and yanked the alter into a tight hug, startling Agust.

"Thank you, Agust." He whispered, tears dripping to the boys shirt. "And thank you Yoongi, I love you too. More than anything."

Agust hesitantly patted the boys back. "You're showing affection, so the tears are the happy ones? The gift was a success? You don't need a puppy?"

Taehyung chuckled, feeling a weight off his shoulders. "Yes, I would call this a success. Thank you, Agust."

Agust breathed out in relief, hugging the boy back with a smile. "You're welcome, Tae."

They parted, and then Agust remembered.

"Oh, wait!"

Taehyung paused. "Did you steal something else of mine?"

"Well, yeah. Your diploma is under Jungkook's bed." Agust admitted. "And all your socks are on the roof. But I had a question."

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