Chapter 8: Renegades

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"You're his what?!" Everyone yelled once they were inside.

"I'm...I'm his sister."

"Well, welcome to the family!" Thorne exclaimed after a couple seconds of awkward silence. He strode confidently across the room to shake her hand, but tripped over who knows what and face planted steps in front of her. "I'm Captain Carswell Thorne," he mumbled into the floor of the Rampion. Face still down, Thorne held out his hand for her to shake.

"Hello... uh... Captain," she said, reluctantly shaking it.

"Don't mind him, he's well, going insane. Actually that would imply he had sanity to begin with," Cinder mocked, although her voice stayed monotone. "Oh get up." She offered out her metal hand and Thorne took it and brushed off his leather jacket.

"Why thank you your Metallic Majesty."

"Did he say 'family'?" Rose turned to Scarlet and whispered.

"Not biological. Thorne's like... that one crazy uncle that you aren't quite sure how your related to, but ya just are." Scarlet turned gave Thorne a smirk. He noticed and winked back, oblivious to what Scarlet had just said.

"Okay, let's just slow down a second... how exactly did this all happen?" Cinder asked, stepping forward.

"Well, when I was young, about three or so years old, my family and I lived in the Outer Sectors. By family I just mean me and my parents," Rose quickly gulped in some air and continued rapidly firing out the details, "I was walking into town one day when a man stopped me on the road. He asked about 'my brothers, Ran and Z,' and about a million questions later, I came to realize that I had two brothers. Mama and Papa always looked so distant, but I could never figure out why, but now I know. I'm still not sure what happened to Ran. I tried to find both of you when it seemed peace had been made between Luna and Earth, but then special operatives started showing up on Earth, all the blood - I assumed the brother I knew was gone forever. I followed all the newsfeeds, and sooner than later I realized there you were, side by side with none other than Princess Selene. With all the fighting and chaos, I was just praying that you didn't wind up dead in the aftermath. But then just...what was it, two days ago? I was walking to the shops when I heard a guard talking to 'Princess Selene and the crew,'" she lowered her voice, trying to mimic Kinney's all-too-serious tone, "I didn't know for sure if you were alive, but I thought hey there's only one way to find out. Luckily he was actually pretty nice and led me here, and Stars, here I am," Rose gasped for breath, and looked up at Wolf, her eyes full of hope. A wide grin spread across her face as Wolf looked back at her, displaying two little points of what appeared to be fangs.

"What's with your teeth?" Thorne blurted out. Scarlet's elbow jabbed into his side, and she cast him a side glare. "What? I was just asking her a question!"

"It's fine really, I get a lot of weird looks. They're a part of me now, just like every other soldier. During the revolution, guards began questioning people in the Outer Sectors, looking for information on your whereabouts. Me being related and all to the 'rogue special operative' got me a one way ticket to torture. They told me they'd 'make me into a monster' and 'control me,' use me to fight against the people they knew I stood by. But, they didn't get too far before I was rescued from the lab after Levana was murdered. Sorry if I'm... talking too much."

"No, no, you're fine. It's refreshing hearing someone other than Thorne. Sorry about what they did to you... we never wanted anyone to get hurt," Cinder replied. A solemn look clouded her eyes.

"I've gotten used to them. They're actually kind of cool, at least when they're not sunk into someone else's flesh..."

"Stars," Wolf muttered. He sighed rubbing the back of his head. He was a monster. Even to this little girl. To his own sister - that he'd never even met - he was a monster.

"Stop it. You're not like that," Scarlet whispered into his ear, her arms wrapping around him. "At least not anymore." She pressed a kiss on his cheek and his face went bright pink. "Well the only thing Wolf has murdered in the past couple weeks are about a years supply of tomatoes, so you shouldn't be worried."


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